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06/30/17 5:03 PM

#300986 RE: pphmtoolong #300984

Well I am going to take the other side of that bet! In my mind, they would not have gone to Nasdaq to seek a compliance extension, without having some kind of a firm deal in their pocket.

I am not sure how much of an extension they were asking for, but if the Nasdaq brass did not give them what they had asked for, which would not give them enough time to implement their "plan", well they would have come out of the meeting and immediately announced the R/S. Waiting till now does not make any sense, regardless if you think the BOD is brilliant or is not logical!!

Having just settled their class action lawsuit, the BOD is keenly aware that all shareholders eyes are now on them and their fiduciary you can bet they will ensure that whatever move they make will be to the benefit of their shareholders...again that would be logical!

So what would bring the share price back over $1 and make them once again Nasdaq compliant??

1)A spin out of Avid, or a partial sale of Avid, ie... bring on a big partner to leverage their expertise to fund and franchise Avid type manufacturing plants in the US and all over the world??

2)A sale or partnership or licensing agreement for their Exosome technology....perhaps several licensing deals???

3)A Bavi partnership with some upfront cash, announcement of additional combo trials....BTD???

4)Of course we cannot leave out the Ronin connection. What are Stafford and the boys up to?? WE know they love Avid!!! Are they just being used as cover and a front for a take out bid by a BP?? How could they possibly keep that quiet and keep the speculators at bay? Well how did Amazon keep their Whole Foods acquisition from getting out?? Well it certainly can be done and Tustin has come a long way in sealing off all the point where no one seems to know what the hell is going on??? lol

The bottom line is that I do not know exactly what their "plan" is, but I do know that solid Avid numbers are not going to do it! Whatever is going to happen is going to be BIG!!

So for all of the above, I take the side of no R/S! I also say that $1 is not the goal, but only the starting point! In any event it will be an interesting couple of weeks coming up.

Enjoy the week-end all!!