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06/30/17 10:06 AM

#1321 RE: jimr1717 #1320

Better question would be, have a better short or long? Lots of long positions did did better than shorting SHLD over the past few years and with lower taxation when held long term.

I'm proud of that fact that I've never shorted a stock. Most shorts don't work out well. Lots of unforeseeable things can go wrong with a short. And a few get really, really ugly. Notice that most "shorting" boards on IHUB are dead.


06/30/17 11:55 AM

#1322 RE: jimr1717 #1320

That's awesome. Good trade up until it goes to $60. Happy Trading.


07/17/17 4:18 PM

#1349 RE: jimr1717 #1320

dryships! LOL it's like microsoft only in reverse.

Tech will be in trouble as offerings from AMD, Intel, and Microsoft has seriously deviated from what customers want and expect!

Any hint at a startup from fired MS employees developing a replacement for Windows should be funded!