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06/29/17 7:26 PM

#9027 RE: Cyporee #9026

The company's plan is to start working on the next rs. Maybe when they get 100bil shares out they can pay for another mound of dirt to kick in the shareholders faces.


06/29/17 7:33 PM

#9028 RE: Cyporee #9026

The companies next plan is to "BUY THE COMPANY, NOT THE STOCK", cause the stock is gonna be worth less doodie than it is now!

But what the hell, Lee Odom, the master of the above quote says they have made a PIVOTAL, Eleventh Hour decision here to continue to bang the shareholders
into the ground.

That plot of land they keep showing is where all the stock certs will eventually be buried with the appropriate "Pivotal" goodbye ceremony!