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06/28/17 1:55 AM

#402 RE: greens12 #401

Stock will gravitate near the recent offering price, likely the reason we are so near and below 1.15. It will take steady buying or 300-400K volume days to move things much beyond that range or close to it perhaps. It's just still too far away from news. Regular traders don't like to sit a day more than they have to. No reason for them to enter before august'ish time frame in any sizable numbers, and some will enter just before that if they are following it more closely and want to flip during the run up. The stock never moves much, it gives flip traders a little more security waiting until closer to news. They will view the time frame from now to august as unnecessary risk, in case something unforeseen happens before the obvious thing we are all waiting on. Their earlier phase trials, even if updated in a positive light, still won't make most people want to jump in, not with such a huge pivot point approaching. It might make some more patient to enter a little early, but not enough people to move us. We can only reasonably expect the primary endpoint when the prelim stuff comes out. Secondary endpoints could still be huge, even if primary is lackluster. It will be tough for many to enter on only prelim data, for that reason, and they may wait it out for news. Which is fine. Good news will really move us due to the float and insider ownership. I don't know where the up side really could be. My favorite part of our situation is the back to back news coming, as previously discussed. Usually good news is a pump and dump. September data will be followed by imminent lipid data, so we may not dip as much, and could see a steady rise between data from the first and second trial, which is a really unique situation for a stock with the low of a market cap. All depends on where we are at the end of august. I think it would be easy to see 100% plus move if we stay closer to 1.50-2 range. If we are lower than that, the move could be much larger, as it will appear as an unknown stock and attract more attention. People hate chasing. I hate prove targets, it creates this magic ceiling. For that reason, we may peak around 4-5. Phase 3's are a ways away. If data is stellar, I think most of the money will be made later next year. I tend to be overly conservative. I don't see any reason why we couldn't hit $10 or so shortly after second data, if people notice and insiders hold their shares, as they have shown they are willing to do... but I won't bet on that. I own enough of this to make me ecstatic if we see $4, that's why I like the warrants. $4 price will give me 600% gains with my $0.40 entry average. I will start selling some around 3.50- $4, not a ton, but enough to allow me to double down if we correct without reason. I really believe in this, but I've also gotten burned for being greedy a few times. Phase 2's are a different animal than phase 3's. all bets are off. This is way off the radar. It's a big positive. I really think the endpoint is buyout. I feel our product is likely to be much better than much richer companies versions of SARMs. I really believe that prices are so slow because of the vast insider ownership. Hedge fund guys and bigger fish hate situations where their hands aren't in the pot. Few know ligand. They are in it for themselves, as are our directors. It's hard for big fish to justify throwing giant chunks of money at self sufficient companies. We will make most of our gains when average investors take notice, which will happen in phases. The sarm is our biggest drug, but average investors have no clue what it is. Everybody in America has high cholesterol haha. The cholesterol/lipid data will be a magnet for regular investors, which will pull in the bigger guys, they can't resist a stock once regular guys are gambling on it. Whatever I hold through lipid data, I won't plan to sell much, unless we really move. I will re-evaluate exit points, if both trials do well, only after they meet with FDA and spell out a timeline. They missed this data deadline, but they are a startup and new to this. If they miss a second one, I will still love the stock, but I will move some money away. They have been consistent with their earlier phase data releases, so I'm really not worried, I just worry about things that will worry other investors. Happy trading
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06/28/17 2:09 AM

#403 RE: greens12 #401

One addition- I am looking at two obvious exit points to unload a total of 50% of what I own. I will still hold a large amount... just hedging my bets.
Also, sarm addition secondary data will likely be released right before the lipid data run up, which is perfect. If sarm prelim data is satisfactory in September... Exit point 1- sell 25% mid November to early December (lipid run up). Exit point 2- sell 25% more, four to ten days after lipid data.
I'm still long on this. Business is business though I suppose. Hope this helps.