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06/27/17 10:36 PM

#32561 RE: Fivespeedchatter #32560

I'm following Fivespeed. Patience is key here.

WW can't unveil everything at once. Patience.

Thanks for posting. I couldn't sleep and needed something positive to rock me back to sleep.

Come on WW. Go baby go.


06/27/17 10:36 PM

#32562 RE: Fivespeedchatter #32560

one thing i have been able to appreciate in the otc is that there are a lot of charlatáns that buy and sell hourly with grocery money and will never reach the end of a good story

we are heading the right way


06/27/17 10:46 PM

#32564 RE: Fivespeedchatter #32560

Excellent post FSC. What WW has accomplished in Oregon is critical mass. What a brilliant plan

Easy to replicate and certainly doable.

critical mass
Physics. the amount of a given fissionable material necessary to sustain a chain reaction at a constant rate.
an amount necessary or sufficient to have a significant effect or to achieve a result: a critical mass of popular

PS 10Mil+


06/28/17 2:57 AM

#32567 RE: Fivespeedchatter #32560

There are big dangling details for research to dig up and either make the pps today a pretty big bargain. IF the company is expanding into Boston and into Colorado with an established partner or target. Along with California. Its all over the map. How much revenue is there? Are we talking about an opportunity to see 5x in 5 weeks on SGBY play?

. They issued an LOI - Big woopity doo! - Why are the shareholders supposed to get yelled at if the company is surprised that after 8 months of no communication on their 18 Lab action acquisition plan they put out an LOI with all kinds of hints and triggers hanging off it for the public and a quick 12 minute google to find about other lab companies involved closely in the structure of the proposed acquisition in other states to acquire? license? partner? research labs?

? And we are the ones getting laughed at? I'm not going to comment on the obvious irony involved in that strained logic.


06/28/17 8:39 AM

#32569 RE: Fivespeedchatter #32560

For the record I am not a "NEGATIVE NANCY"

In an effort to support our CEO William Waldrop.........I recommend we develop a following such as........

" I am a Billy Boy" T shirt

This should be played at the opening bell MOnday thru Friday IMHO.


06/28/17 8:56 AM

#32570 RE: Fivespeedchatter #32560

Indeed, patience will be rewarded. I more than anyone wants to see the company take off and the PPS pop a 1000%, or two. I'm not looking to get rich. I simply want enough to pay for the heart surgery I need and maybe enough left over so that I can buy me a small secluded house/cabin somewhere so that I and my Yorkie can live out our days in peace, surrounded by forest, maybe a brook or stream, and my own little Japanese garden.

It's a simple dream but I have had my fill of the rat race. I focused on my career at the expense of all else and in the end, I was a very well paid mid-level executive. Then I got sick and it was downhill from there. I have so many medical issues that I am a walking textbook on medicine. I wound up in absolute poverty for 6 years, no income, no assets, lost my house and my car. Were it not for the goodwill of family and friends I would have been homeless, on the street, and probably dead.

After fighting for social security disability for those six years, I finally won in 2014. I got the disability benefits and Medicare, which has kept me alive so far. I got a lump sum distribution for those 6 years and after buying a car so I would no longer be dependent on others to take me to and fro, repaying those who helped take care of me all those years, I started investing the rest in the OTC stock market.

I've done well till now, being able to supplement my monthly social security check with the profits from my investing so that I was able to live independently again and do so comfortably. This year has not been so kind though and the value of my portfolio is reaching the point where I may have to pull out of the market for a while, at least until things stabilize and confidence returns to the pot market.

Last year was fantastic and I made a lot of money, mostly on SGBY, when I found it and invested in it during the summer, before its meteoric rise this past fall. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the company is solid, has a great growth and operational plan, and will see that meteoric rise again, probably after 3rd quarter results come out.

I have the utmost faith in Will Waldrop. He is a solid, straight shooter and is quite responsive to my emails. I just hope my heart holds up long enough to see Will's, and my, dreams come true. So have faith folks. I'm literally betting my life on Will & SGBY. Join me and keep the faith with me.