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06/28/17 1:36 AM

#277 RE: rrten #276

rrten Those guys over at NEXT are either clueless, or they are insiders masquerading as invertors. I read this Dines piece this morning and have been thinking all day. Im pushing DW to contact Dines and to tell him he needs to hear the DNI story. DNI needs a big name behind it to have a chance at getting off the ground before the PEA is completed. Right now the company is too small to be taken serious.

Ive been tired of hearing about Lithium and now cobalt. Since they are rarer and more expensive, they get the attention. Nice Dines showed the value of graphite relative to the other materials. You can also see that with the Tesla battery is 20% natural graphite and 80% synthetic. With synthetic being less money, cleaner and more energy dense, we can see the potential catalysts lining up.

At present the average dollar value of graphite in a Tesla 85Kw battery pack is around US$1,250 (50kg) broken down into $1,200 synthetic (40kg) and $50 natural (10kg) graphite. The cost of synthetic graphite is about $30k per ton. Natural graphite's cost is closer to $10k per ton. The ability to reduce the raw-material cost in a Tesla battery pack is perhaps $500 per vehicle. It might not seem like a big savings, but when considering the almost 50-million new vehicles a year at a targeted 20% EV uptake, it equates to around $5 billion. Also noteworthy is that the same Tesla battery pack has $66 of lithium, $851 of cobalt and $146 of nickel (NMC Battery).

Additional to that are these quotes talking about another company

It is doubtful any other graphite company has this large amount of graphite concentrate material available to produce large numbers of large format-test cells. A junior miner, with only small amounts of drill-core samples, or a modest bulk sample, would not have enough material to demonstrate its graphite ability for cell manufacturers to trust.

Modest capital would be required to add on high-purity processing capabilities. We are not aware of any other graphite company to have this capacity

DNI has the ability to come out of nowhere and make this happen along side its business partner Great Lakes Graphite.

Keep up the good work Luke. Im here every day. To bad we couldnt numbers of the growing traffic here.


06/28/17 6:54 AM

#278 RE: rrten #276

Hey dude,

but you beat me to it, as always.

LOL! Well, I am beginning a well-deserved, long vacation this weekend, so please feel free to post any relevant information and articles during my absence.

I will be checking in periodically.

As they would say on Hot Copper, good on ya Luke.

Thanks, mate.

I just scanned that board real quick, and it looks like very little has changed, since I was last there.

Habchi wrote:

Due to weather conditions, the resource calculation has been extended to mid-late August...

Aaah... no! Yesterday's ASX Announcement clearly states:

[...] it is anticipated that the drill definition programme will be completed in mid to late August 2017.

[...] resource calculation to be completed by 30 June 2017. Extensions to these timeframes are currently the subject of ongoing discussions between the parties acting in good faith.

As far as the weather is concerned, that was not the sole reason for the delay. But you can't call out your own drilling crew in public, now can you?

Go straighten them out... oooh... here is another good one:

HelpfulHeath posted:

One for the "rumor file" [... entire SH post...] L McCain

Some of these guys take the information that I post, and either don't give me any credit, or if they do, it's just a "rumor".

Heath is about as Helpful to me, as a proctologist who suffers from poor depth perception would be. LOL!

truth is a powerful weapon

Not if you turn it into a moving target, it isn't.

Enjoy your holiday weekend!