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06/26/17 6:38 PM

#25380 RE: ssab #25379

I am no longer convinced there is ANY opportunity here. The company has screwed their shareholder at every possible step all the way down from multiple pennies per share they used to trade at, to a year of sitting at $0.0001, though the R/S that we were told was never going to happen, and into the post R/S period where they can't even issue an update for months at a time.

BMIX has become a joke of a stock, a flipper's toy at best.


06/26/17 10:34 PM

#25381 RE: ssab #25379

There was nothing in the Quarter Report about Projections or how operations are proceeding. There also was nothing about the status of that second,better,and larger GRU that we so desperately need. BMIX'S Facebook Page has not been updated for well over a Year and parts of their WEB Page have not worked for Months. What happened to the Royalty agreements we had,anybody know? This did not start as a scam, but it is sure giving a good imitation of ending up like one. Way,Way too much has been said,promised, and implied here, and way too much has been forgotten or ignored. Just take last Spring,the promising Gold and Diamond Discovery,the promise of,or implied, upcoming success that sold a Tremendous amount of Shares that all fell apart when suddenly,somehow,at the last Minute,before they started Processing Gravel,OOPS!!! DOES anybody think that was a good Time too change the Game Plan? (IMHO,HELL NO! ) They are giving us nothing because there is nothing too give. I do not believe they are Digging at all really,just waiting and Hoping someone else comes along and wants too on one of their Concessions.WHO KNOWS? maybe a Miracle will happen and things will turn out OK, but at this Point, that is a long shot at Best (IMHO)