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06/26/17 1:59 PM

#124002 RE: es1 #124001

"So please supply an example of a silk start up in VN that took less than 7 years.
Or admit you don't know how long "too long" is."

Well let's see. I'm a shareholder who invested based on Kim Thompson telling me he expected commercial production in 2014. So, certainly for me it's already taken 3 years too long. And even most of the most ardent longs here have agreed it is taking too long. You are a rare gem who doesn't think commercialization is taking too long.

I know how long "too long" is by Kim and Ben's own words to us, the shareholders, when they provided guidance on expectations of production.

First they estimated 2012 (PR), then 2014 (PR) , then 2016 (Conference Call), then it was 2017 "should be a very good year". Now , it's 2018 at the earliest. So it's been too long by Kim Thompson's own estimations.

You may choose to not hold KT responsible for anything but most of us do. As far as your concerned, Kim could take as long as he likes and it's not too long because no has done it before ? Does it ever become too long for you if no one else accomplishes it? If you could live forever, would you still be here 1000 years later waiting for Kim to go into production? Would you still argue it has not been too long because no one else has yet to do it? At what point does ES1 say it's been too long? See how silly your argument is? Of course you don't.

It's your opinion and you are entitled to it but don't pee on me and tell me its raining.

You come up with the silliest arguments I have ever seen. They are not based on common sense or logic but for the mere sake of talking points and word play. You sure you don't work at Fox News?