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06/25/17 10:06 PM

#52168 RE: CashMoneyExpress #52156

WSJ Facebook article tomorrow. Could be huge for AMLH. Notice gaming and CAA that Bishop has been visiting.

Face­book Inc. to Hol­ly­wood: Let’s do lunch.

The so­cial-net­work­ing gi­ant is talk­ing to Hol­ly­wood stu­dios and agen­cies about pro­duc­ing TV-qual­ity shows with an eye to­ward launch­ing orig­i­nal pro­gram­ming by late sum­mer, peo­ple fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter said.

In meet­ings with ma­jor tal­ent agen­cies in­clud­ing Cre­ative Artists Agency, United Tal­ent Agency, William Mor­ris En­deavor and In­ternational Cre­ative Man­age­ment Part­ners, Face­book has in­di­cated it is will­ing to com­mit to pro­duc­tion bud­gets as high as $3 mil­lion per episode, peo­ple fa­mil­iar with the sit­u­a­tion say.

Face­book de­clined to com­ment on specifics of its con­tent plans. In a state­ment, Vice Pres­i­dent of Me­dia Part­ner­ships Nick Grudin said, “We’re sup­port­ing a small group of part­ners and cre­ators as they ex­per­i­ment with the kinds of shows you can build a com­mu­nity around—from sports to com­edy to re­al­ity to gam­ing. We’re fo­cused on episodic shows and help­ing all our part­ners un­der­stand what works across dif­fer­ent ver­ti­cals and top­ics.”

Facebook Is Going Hollywood, Seeking Scripted TV Programming