To be honest I think this stock has come back to life as word seems to be getting round within the defence industry about our billionaire and his plans for the company.
When you start meeting people and bidding on contracts when your company name starts getting shortlisted when bidding for a contract then they look at who's behind it, they start to think yup he's making things happen.
Here's how news could have easily spread about the fact that this company might've started bidding on new contracts.
Ok, CEO's wife goes out to lunch with her bestie. Eventually they say so what's...... doing she casually says without thinking well recently he's been busy with that defence company he bought into recently...... apparently they're preparing to bid for several Department of Defence contracts you know so because he's been getting those bids in lots of late nights at the office preparing big thick bid documents with his team. Etc etc etc
The friend then casually mentions it to another friend and so on and so on.
Then of course the same scenario can come from any family member of anyone working for the company who knows what's going on.
I may be speculating but with the greatest respect to women they love to gossip and often they may not realise they're giving away price sensitive information.
I bought 200,000shares last week at from 0.25 and some guys where saying exactly the same thing: wait 0.14....guess what? They were wrong and I will add the dip instead next week