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06/24/17 10:08 PM

#86170 RE: 4on4off #86169

Those claims are complete bullshit.

So this is "bullshit"?

Two of the 12 companies, Trans-Global Holdings of Des Plaines, Ill., and China Food and Beverage of Kew Gardens, Queens, were also sued by the S.E.C., which accused them of allowing false news releases without seeking to correct them...China Food's chief executive, James Tilton, who was also sued by the S.E.C., said, ''I don't know of anything that we did that could have brought something like this on.'' He said the company owned a brewery in China.


06/24/17 10:38 PM

#86180 RE: 4on4off #86169

Facts sometimes hurt and that was a FACT! Anyone that does proper DD can validate what I said about him being fined thousands for misleading investors