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06/25/17 5:17 PM

#847 RE: jugs #846

Likely the reason you can't post Barrons article is due to the fact Barrons requires a subscription to read. It won't be published by any brokerage as news, because it is proprietary and they require payment to see the article.
It may be well worth the dollar a week, but it is not public news or advertiser supported, it is subscription only. I was offered 12 weeks for $12 or 26 @ $26. I did read in the comments section where one reader said:

Well Libby Toudouze recommended NGL at the end of January when it was around 25 (see link). Now its trading under 12. So I am not sure how much faith I would put in her other pronouncements.


SA author Rida Morwa's latest NGL piece is about the preferred shares recently offered @$25: