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06/24/17 10:18 AM

#24296 RE: Aloha96707 #24295

Denise the naysayers use the same tiresome arguments over and over again. Reality is this company is positioned extremely well and most importantly gaining exposure. Exposure has always been the key and they just weren't given a real shot because of insurance and labeling being two big hurdles.

The word is spreading our fate is now in our hands and there is so much momentum that I'm ever more confident in a blockbuster platform & just Afrezza alone making this a multi-billion $ company.

Friday morning trading was based on great numbers and the late afternoon was all rebalancing with the Russell. The stock price in AH's was $1.56 and I'm confident we see news next week along with a $1.70-$1.90 move or higher. I'm guessing Mike C didn't release news last week because it made sense to wait until rebalancing was completed associated with the Russell.

The Russell 2000 will have MNKD in it next year, so market my words on that one. I've seen stocks double overnight just on the announcement of insurance coverage from a major insurer. We have Aetna, Cigna, many BC/BS, Express Scripts, VA and I'm sure others that still have not been formally announced. The UAE is not a rumor, but the real deal and that news will be forthcoming as well.

Really looking forward to the next few months and now that the Reg Short list hit 23 days there is no way that can be ignored much longer. Monday we will gain some real nice traction and get back to those Friday morning highs we saw before the rebalancing.

The launch of the Mattocks show, commercials, and much more in July will finally put Afrezza on the map. I'm sure social media will kick in as well. Remember 99% of all diabetics don't know about the product and its just recently that Endo's and physicians started to become aware of this game changing drug. I said end of summer before it all kicks in and IMO we are now a head of schedule.

Deerfield will be resolved and not even a problem as they aren't going to walk away at this point or cause some absurd financing to take place. Hell the stock is up 50% from where they did the last conversion, so why won't they agree to work something else out? I'm so excited I can't wait for next week to get here already. Mahalo and have a great weekend.