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06/24/17 12:00 AM

#3401 RE: jackiejerz #3399

That acquired stock was part of a payment he gave himself... But he is way too late with this form 4 :"A Form 4 must be filed before the end of the second business day following a change in ownership of securities or derivative securities". Waw... can't he do anything right?

"Disclosure of information specified on this Form is mandatory. The information will be used for the primary
purpose of disclosing the transactions and holdings of directors, officers, and beneficial owners of registered
companies. Information disclosed will be a matter of public record and available for inspection by members of
the public. The Commission can use it in investigations or litigation involving the federal securities laws or other
civil, criminal, or regulatory statutes or provisions, as well as for referral to other governmental authorities and
self-regulatory organizations. Failure to disclose required information may result in civil or criminal action
against persons involved for violations of the Federal securities laws and rules."