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06/23/17 5:16 PM

#46870 RE: mrbigglessworth #46869

Need 5 more like those.....


06/23/17 6:12 PM

#46871 RE: mrbigglessworth #46869

And more play after hours...

17:32:52 $ 1.22 High 1
16:09:17 $ 1.15 200
16:09:05 $ 1.10 Low 100
16:09:05 $ 1.10 Low 400


06/24/17 11:49 AM

#46873 RE: mrbigglessworth #46869

Yeah Mr. Big, going to use my ADOBE Systems analogy and their long time struggles establishing a marketable product with yesterday's nice little PR.

ADOBE had to give away it's READER© application. Still does. Download READER for every version release. I don't have to be the publisher of any web-based document, so I don't subscribe to the high cost of initial purchase and annual renewal fees for ADOBE PUBLISHER, PHOTOSHOP, etc.

ADOBE fought it out at the dawn of the web, their technology built on printer POSTSCRIPT language processes. HTML is great for the graphical monitors also being introduced to the public at the time.

Just didn't play well with printers. ADOBE founders lept out of XEROX engineering roles to start up Adobe. And it took close to a decade to be viable.

Jim Heyward and crew fought to prove our viability. Publishers ahhh producers of fabrics now BUYING in.

And we're above a buck at the close of the week.

I'll take it.
Mike Sharkey