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06/23/17 9:27 AM

#44930 RE: UserNT #44919

Buddy, we didn't do a thing. Just ket nature take its course. If you think we impacted the share price or the business, please identify a single thing, yes just one thing, that we said that did not come true.

Or conversely, identify a single thing that management said that did come true. :)


06/23/17 9:46 AM

#44934 RE: UserNT #44919

I'm "here". What is there to say? It was pumped by the penny stock day trading hoard and now it's dumping. One wonders if folks like "Claytrader" are compensated for starting the hype to the lemmings. Insider sale reports will be interesting.

The company has been given 7 days by the bank.

Personally I think the most likely outcome is a bankruptcy filing in the next few months. Or days.