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06/22/17 2:01 PM

#32290 RE: Fivespeedchatter #32287

I don't think there's any manipulation to be honest. There isn't any spark to drive upward movement at the moment and volume as of recent is quite low. I believe I bought in some @ .0015 around this time last year. Could you blame someone for taking LTCG tax rates on a 10 bagger?

I know I didn't feel bad when I unloaded quite a few shares @ .04 last year.

It is what it is and forum posts aren't going to drive the share price up. I'm back in @ .018-ish so I've not very happy either today.

People are impatient in penny land... I believe right now we have a volume problem more than anything else.

I will say last year when i bought 1000 bucks worth @ .0015 i watched this thing tank all the way down to 0004. I was pretty much mortified that I had lost everything... I hung onto my shares and added more and more...

Not everything can go up all of the time.

We know last month about 150k worth of notes needed cashed in and a law firm also had 10 million shares as well.

Convertible notes... robbing peter to pay paul... peter wants his money back... We have a ton of testing equipment to show for it though.