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06/22/17 1:23 AM

#11971 RE: KMBJN #11968

 RBP-6000 Indivior

1/ month shot compared to 0 buprenorphine PLACEBO? …. woohoo

So INVVY used suboxone film to stabilize their patient sample.. then, instead of continuing comparison to either generic bup & assuring placebo control by: 1 random group gets either sham shot & generic buprenorphine tablets while 2nd random group gets sham buprenorphine tablet & buprenorphine shot… they compared their monthly bup injection to no medication at all (placebo).. How is that comparable in the real world of evidence based MAT treatment.. Of course the placebo folks quit and went away..

Hopefully Investors are sufficiently schooled to see through this … why pay for a monthly injectable if daily bup might give similar efficacy (this trial doesn't answer that question) .. Maybe slightly better compliance on the monthly shot, but nowhere near the steady state of the 6 month implant… as noted in their PR release, RPB 6000 also inflicted miserable side effects on some poor souls ("injection site pruritus …vomiting… upper respiratory tract infection")