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06/21/17 8:37 AM

#53267 RE: TRCPA #53266

" still have ownership in a currently private company that appears to be building some big time value prior to going back into public trading."

More accurately, Sam owns some literally worthless paper in an almost extinct scam that stole real money, from real people and their families, including some that didn't deserve to be stolen from.

The idea that any of FASC's victims will recoup any of their significant losses is so outrageous as to be hilariously funny, if it weren't so tragic and offensive at the same time.

Mind you, that the "management" of this company would be so inclined to recidivist behavior that they would try to bilk their past victims with "new" promises of riches to come should surprise no one, given their past.

But they really shouldn't be encouraged to continue to steal by anybody else.