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06/20/17 10:35 PM

#270416 RE: conix #270415

I am not interested in re-hashing the last election... the result is a disaster, but more importantly, trump needs to participate in solving the russian hacking thing so that it doesn't happen again. He could care less about protecting america from that sort of invasion, as long as it benefits him. He has not even admitted that it happened, even when everyone else in a position to know says it did.

Cyber security should be a national defense priority, but to him, it is something that takes just too much thought. And it makes him look complicit when one views the circumstantial evidence and his actions and words.


06/20/17 10:51 PM

#270417 RE: conix #270415

conix -- what blithely oblivious at best trying-to-have-it-both-ways hooey -- if you voted for Trump, then yes you did indeed, ipso facto, vote for the wall and the rest of what he ran on -- even if you did do so because you'd at least let yourself get tied into a dissociated knot by/with all the hooey about Hillary (a knot from which you evidently have yet to extricate yourself)


06/21/17 11:33 AM

#270419 RE: conix #270415


06/21/17 4:55 PM

#270422 RE: conix #270415

The DNC manipulated their own nomination process and stacked the deck against Bernie so that Hillary would get the nomination.

Exactly. Bernie got the shaft because the candidate had already been chosen, they just needed to walk through the paces and make it happen. But not just any run of the mill candidate, this was a Clinton, with an army of support behind her.
Reagan/Bush1 wrote up & created NAFTA before Clinton got elected, remember the debates with that guy from Texas?
You're going to hear a giant sucking sound if NAFTA gets passed?,_1992
Ross Perot folded like a cheap suit when the pressure hit but he was right.
More importantly, Why did Bill & Hillary push for NAFTA? Both of them very intelligent lawyers, hell their own party was against it. Democrats have always been against trade deals.
But there it is, it came up in the campaign "Bigtime" because Trump really ran as a Democrat in sheep's clothing.
But like come on, everyone sees the Elephant in the room and knows that NAFTA was the single most defining event in our lifetime to ship our factories,jobs,wealth..our everything out of our country.
What did it do?
It forced the Democrats to suck up to the big banks and play ball with them, because the unions were decimated and the middle class was going broke "Bigly". And they did. Our political system is completely corrupted by big money and dark money super pacs.
Oh yeah, back to Clinton. Huge money flowing all over the place.
Why not? Remember what Bill did at the end of his administration signing off with the Republicans to end Glass–Steagall Act?
Who did that benefit?
Well, who did the Glass–Steagall Act hamstring?
The big banks.
Separating commercial and investment banking.
So, basically it took away all the regulations and freed up the Big Banks to go crazy, which is what they did and almost crashed the world economy.
But what does this have to do with the election?
Big banks were already integrated well into both parties and especially into the Clinton coffers, for like years...
But what does this have to do with anything?
Because money runs the world and rules the roost.
Bernie Sanders wasn't just and independent outsider, he wasn't "In the pocket" with any of the big money K-street lobbyists, even to this day he's not on the take.
What? Practically every politician takes K-Street money lobby money.
Not Bernie Sanders.
They didn't own him. He wasn't beholden to the system.
That made him a threat, a REAL BIG ONE.
One that had to be taken out, politically.
He had a political hit out on him from the beginning, he didn't stand a chance.
But it wasn't a Republican or Democrat hit, it was from the ones holding the purse strings. The real power, and they were real scared and pissed that Bernie even has a chance.
Terrified even. My god he ran on, and sill promotes dismantling the power centers that have a choke hold on the American People for fun and profit.
Why do you think they want to kill Obama care?
It's all about money, it's always all about money.
Money,Power and Control.

So yeah, is Donald Trump in the pocket?
You better believe it.
Was Hillary Clinton in the pocket?
Hello??? Has been for years going back to her husband's connections to the banking system and big money politics.
You're dam right, they BOTH were/are VERY connected.
And you're also right that the Republicans didn't win the election, the Democrats just lost it...Bigly.
Bernie would have won in a "Landslide" Victory, totally.
He got toasted and the people wanted change, so they voted for the outsider, someone who would shake up the system.
Well Donald Trump is most assuredly doing that..Bigly.

But you're right conix, a huge amount of voters voted against Hillary Clinton and for someone outside of the political sphere.
It could of been Bozo the clown and he would of been a shoe in.

Bottom line is all bullshit aside, people want a change in how our country is operating. They want it to start operating for them for a change, and not always against them.
Not too much of an altruistic wish dream, but it definitely isn't going to be a reality anytime too soon.
