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06/20/17 1:05 PM

#97885 RE: BAMF31 #97883

That is complete BS - I hope your investment strategy isn't based on the nonsense in a press release or 8-K.

Pharmaceutical companies publish their research in peer reviewed Journals from pre-clinical trials and as they progress through each stage of the trials.

How in the hell is releasing the efficacy report going to undermine the IP - that is deflection and defending the OWCP scam.

Take a look at all of the scientific publications that GW Pharmaceuticals release every year.

The problem is too many people invested in OWCP thinking they owned 7 patents - which isn't close to being truthful.

Are you suggesting that that patent applications (which were all rejected) isn't enough protection?

The information from the company is smoke and mirrors - at it's comical best.

"Read the 8-K released on April 4th. "...The Company actively protects its IP and will release the final results, relevant protocols and clinical data after the completion of the full BIO-DATA IP PROTECTION....""

This is so the OWCP scammers can keep dangling the carrots in front of investors.



06/20/17 4:40 PM

#97918 RE: BAMF31 #97883

Good Job! Please keep a copy of your answers handy. You will probably need to post them every day to address the same misleading and distracting questions when any REAL investor know those matters take time to get completed!

Read the 8-K released on April 4th. "...The Company actively protects its IP and will release the final results, relevant protocols and clinical data after the completion of the full BIO-DATA IP PROTECTION...."

Where's the efficacy report that was due 2 months ago? Efficacy report was not due 2 months ago, the company did not give a time frame for this report. Stop spreading false information.

Where are the scientific publications in peer reviewed Journals from OWCP? The company did not state that there would be a publication in a peer reviewed journal, that has only been speculation on this board.

WHEN the company DOES release the final results, relevant protocols and clinical data from the full BIO-DATA IP PROTECTION report I'm sure you'll be quite surprised. I will be surprised too... just for a different reason than you as we have differing views. :)