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06/19/17 12:25 PM

#224437 RE: GreenJeans #224435

Today's the big court settlement day

Hopefully the State and the Liquor distributors can settle up.
I'm still wondering if these distributors have considered the security risks involved delivering large amounts of weed.

Personally, their actions thus far only display they have not considered, nor understand the very role they seek.

Claiming there was "not enough time", and they "need more time to prepare", when they had since before November to prepare is absolutely ridiculous and fully displays they have absolutely no clue as to what is required to assume this role.

(Inventory, storage, compliance, security, training, etc)....

As someone who has participated in various state application processes with sometimes very tight timelines.....this behavior is unacceptable.

If they understood and wanted to participate, they should have been preparing prior to step in at the last minute after 7+ months to prepare is unacceptable and this should be readily dismissed.

"You snooze you loose". Case closed.

(Their position is actually multi faceted. While they do seek exclusivity, they are also on record for saying "it was too quick" and they want "more time to prepare and submit" as well....)