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06/19/17 2:42 PM

#3155 RE: Bigjohn6500 #3150

Haha.....Sheer Incompetence

These guys are completely incompetent!! An 80% increase in profit?? This company has never and will never be profitable. I can't even find any where close to an 80% increase in Gross Revenues. Here's your next lesson - Gross Revenues are what you bring in before expenses - Profit is what you have left over after all expenses and in case you can't read the financials, ETST has lost over a million dollars this year alone and many millions in the previous years. Actually it is hard to tell what their true financial situation is, they are not audited and then they do these crazy "adjustments to income," but again you wouldn't have a clue what that is. Educate yourself, don't be a sheep. You all need to get a clue.

An 80% increase in profit is a down right lie. No if ands or buts. What kind of 3rd grade dropout writes these PRs anyway. Remember, lying, pumping and dumping brings you know who.....Haha


06/19/17 5:16 PM

#3160 RE: Bigjohn6500 #3150

No Reply Vargassss......?

Are you waiting for your puppet master to tell you what to say and how to respond?? Really no rebuttal or justification for an absolute lie in the press release. 80% increase in profits, I hope they can prove that when FINRA calls.

The incompetence is painful, has anyone in the company taken an intro to accounting class......