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09/11/06 1:04 PM

#497942 RE: semi_infinite #497882

ECU Silver >>>what do you make of John Embry's concern about ECU being a fraud?<<<

What concern about "ECU being a fraud" are you talking about?

If it's what John said when blindsided by a call-in question on live TV....

Embry's exact words on the 8-1-06 ROB TV financial program were "It's either a hidden gem or one of the greatest scams around".
Embry later admitted that ECU wasn't on his current radar screen. Unfortunately, the Rob TV archives only go back a week in time or I would offer you a link.

Otoh, if you know of another instance where Embry commented about ECU, I would like to know about it. And if not, I wonder why you waited over a month to bring it up?

Btw, since that time, ECU has made a couple of new 52 week highs and, quite frankly, I value the market's opinion considerably more than an uninformed throwaway line on TV.

>>>My understanding of his concern is that all the discovery PRs are about extensions from already producing veins.<<<

You guys are wrong about that little detail as well..... <vbg>

The (now 30% completed) ECU drilling program has uncovered at least two distinctly new sizeable Green Skarn Zones as well as many new veins in addition to extending some of the known and producing veins. Btw, extending a resource from a known/producing vein adds oz to that resource just as surely as if it were a brand spankin' new discovery.

Why would you have a problem with that?

>>>If the yield is so wonderful, why hasn't it shown up already in cash flow?<<<

Would you care to rephrase that question so that it can be answered? Perhaps your use of the word "yield" is as misguided as the rest of your post. Generally, cash flow is associated with production vs expenses and if the recent PR highlighting ECU's record earnings is any indiction, I'd say things are looking bright indeed!

>>>Are there any other situations where the CEO is also the one signing off assay results and geologic mapping for Sedar filings?<<<

Soitenly! It's done all the time when the CEO is also the approved 43-101 person for the company making the report.

Even though I feel your post might have been a spoof, I hope I've helped assuage your concerns somewhat.