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06/18/17 4:19 PM

#323969 RE: rmilman #323961


Facts. ERHC is enmeshed with Starcrest and Elcrest which is a subsidiary of Eland which has a monster deal in the works. All of these companies are interrelated and will share any proceeds.


06/19/17 8:36 PM

#323994 RE: rmilman #323961

Nothing positive will happen as long as Nigerian scammers Peter Ntephe and Sylvan Odobulu remain. Anyone that wants to deal with facts has to accept that.

Look at the facts: Now with $13M of debt on the balance sheet and zero revenue they talk of acquiring producing properties? With what? Money from trafficking girls through Boko Haram? They have nothing left.

These self serving pigs blew $45M in cash and produced a 0.0002 share price, but paid themselves HANDSOMELY in the process.

The *only* way any shareholders left have any chance is if these pigs are escorted to the door... preferably to another door with bars.

I still own it, but I have to be honest, I can not longer physically eat carrots... they make me sick to my stomach.