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06/18/17 1:58 PM

#255382 RE: speckulater #255358

BLOG-6/14: $.03+; Per FINRA; MERGER Approval, Stock_Swap Imminent

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Good morning HHSE Friends & Followers - As the days turn into weeks, some shareholders have lost patience awaiting the final closure of the impending CRIMSON FOREST-HHSE Merger and how that will impact the bottom-line value of their HHSE shares.

We can state unequivocally that the value of the HHSE shares post-merger is substantially over the $.03 / PPS level - and furthermore state that following a lengthy telephone call with FINRA on Monday, that the few, remaining issues impacting the final step (the stock-for-stock swap) are being resolved and will promptly remove any final impediments to the stock exchange.

For those of you who have grown impatient and feel you must sell-sell-sell now, we bid you farewell and safe journeys. But we also have an obligation to disclose that the stock-for-stock swap is based on a much higher value to HHSE shareholders (regardless of the temporary, day-to-day variations of the current trading price). Selling now will only hurt those particular sellers, who we suspect may feel rather foolish in the coming days. As the merger is structured, HHSE shareholders are being issued newly re-branded Crimson shares based on the predetermined level of the company's assets... not based on the momentary trading price of the HHSE stock prior to the swap.

Unless you have an urgent need for liquidity, veteran traders will be sitting it out for this final, brief pre-swap spell. This morning's blog is being posted now, in the final days before the stock-swap, as an advance rebuttal for anyone who might later claim "we didn't know" (about the short time frame to the swap, and the HHSE valuation being established at substantially over $.03 / PPS).

For those of you hanging on... it's going to be an AMAZING Summer, followed by a consistent and accelerating momentum in revenues and results through the next few years. This is the "prize" that HHSE management has been working to achieve: a fully-reporting equity, substantial operational and marketing funding, and a slate of star-driven, high-profile movies to serve as revenue locomotives! Watch this space...


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06/18/17 2:48 PM

#255389 RE: speckulater #255358

Balance-Sheet Value, Revenue Benefits Elevate HHSE/CRIM/Newco NASDAQ Qualification

As alluded to in some of our recent, prior blogs and filings, five significant media players (all China-based) will be conducting various financing transactions "post-merger" that will provide production funds, releasing funds and operational resources. It is our belief that the balance-sheet value and revenue benefits from these various transactions will not only transform the company, but will also elevate the business to a level of qualifying for the NASDAQ exchange.

BLOGS June-6/8 (Settlements, MERGER Updates) Bullet Points Summary

HHSE BLOG June 6 (Settlements)

* In anticipation of the pending MERGER, HHSE working with attorneys to clear up several old issues (nothing outside ordinary course of business)

* TCA Global Master Fund / HHSE Settlement finally posted with Florida Courts.

* 10,000,000 HHSE Shares to be returned to HHSE as Unissued Treasury Stock.

* Of the remaining 4 Issues. 2 Principal Terms Settlements are expected this week, and final 2 expected Settlements in the very near future.

(MERGER Updates)

* Five (5) significant Media Players (all China-based) will be conducting various Financing Transactions "Post-Merger" that will provide:
--- 1.) Production Funds
--- 2.) Releasing Funds
--- 3.) Operational Resources

* Balance-Sheet Value and Revenue Benefits from these various transactions will not only transform the company, but will also elevate the business to a level of qualifying for the NASDAQ Exchange.

* No indication from any Regulators of possible delay of MERGER.

* Already applied for a Crimson (CRIM) Ticker Symbol Change.

* CRIM Shares are DTC Eligible and stock-for-stock swap will be automatic.

* HHSE Shareholders will receive Crimson Shares at a Significant Premium Value-to-Market. ("$X" worth of HHSE shares will receive "$X++" of newly re-branded Crimson shares).

* Contemporaneous with the Merger, several of the China-Based Affiliates will be buying blocks of Crimson stock on the Public Markets. Providing Support and even Greater Appreciation of Value for HHSE Shareholders.

* Post MERGER Activities
--- 1.) Launch of Several High-Profile Theatrical Productions
--- 2.) Launching the VODWIZ Independent Films Online Portal
--- 3.) Launch Three (3) very exciting new Distribution Ventures involving:
------ a.) North American Activities
------ b.) International Sales
------ c) Theatrical Distribution in China

* Significant Post-Merger Activities will have a Dramatic Impact on the company's:
--- 1.) Revenues
--- 2.) Visibility
--- 3.) Valuation

* Though we believe we are close to MERGER Approval and the Physical Share Exchange. We are Distributors, not the Regulators, thus we can not provide a more definitive date of MERGER Completion.


BLOGS(2-of-2): Settlememts, MERGER Approval, Stock Swap, Premium Valuation

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Corporate Updates on Merger Events / Resolutions

Good afternoon HHSE Friends & Followers - In anticipation of our pending merger approval, HHSE has been working with our attorneys and key creditors on the final resolution of some of old issues that have been fuel for stock critics - but which were never material threats to the operations of our business. Here's a quick recap of some recently resolved matters and pending transactions:

1). TCA GLOBAL MASTER FUND - As stated previously in this blog, a settlement was made with TCA to fully close all maters... well it's finally been filed with the courts in Florida... as the court-recorded documentation of settlements sometimes occurs weeks / months after the deals are made. In any event, HHSE stock certificate #1530, issued June 18, 2013 as collateral for the TCA Investment Advisory Fee has been cancelled, and these 10-million shares will be returned as unissued treasury stock.

2). JSJ INVESTMENTS - Principal terms of a settlement are expected this week, based upon communications between attorneys.

3). ANDERSONS P&A - Principal terms of a settlement are expected this week, based upon direct communications with the lenders.

4). BEDROCK VENTURES - Company has engaged counsel to re-open the case under Arkansas Law, as compelling evidence exists to have the California matter vacated.

5). AMITYVILLE ASYLUM - New counsel has been engaged in this matter, which is expected to be settled (or adjudicated) by June 27.

A separate Blog Posting on Merger activities with Crimson Forest is being prepared for later today.


UPDATE June 8:

Greetings HHSE Friends. The update planned for Tuesday got hijacked by some post-merger funding details that monopolized managerial time for the past two days. As alluded to in some of our recent, prior blogs and filings, five significant media players (all China-based) will be conducting various financing transactions "post-merger" that will provide production funds, releasing funds and operational resources. It is our belief that the balance-sheet value and revenue benefits from these various transactions will not only transform the company, but will also elevate the business to a level of qualifying for the NASDAQ exchange.

Meanwhile, here are some quick updates for those issues which we are authorized or empowered to disclose at this time:

1). MERGER APPROVAL - we have not received any regulatory feedback that would indicate any issues, delays or problems with the valuation methodology and the stock-for-stock swap. We have separately applied for a Crimson ticker symbol change, and are awaiting word on that matter as well.

2). DTC / STOCK FOR STOCK SWAP - Our advisors tell us that HHSE shareholders will not need to do anything in order for each of them to receive Crimson Forest shares on the date of the stock-for-stock swap. Crimson shares are DTC (electronic) and this will avoid the prior issues some shareholder incurred regarding paper certificates from HHSE.

3). PREMIUM VALUATION - as structured, HHSE shareholder will receive Crimson shares at a significant premium value-to-market. We cannot disclose the percentage structure until we receive full-regulatory approval. However, the bottom line is that a shareholder owning "$X" worth of HHSE shares will receive "$X++" of newly re-branded Crimson shares.

4). CRIMSON SHARE SUPPORT - Contemporaneous with the merger, several of the China-based affiliates will be buying blocks of Crimson stock on the public markets. It is our belief that this will further support the Crimson share price and result in an even greater appreciation of value for HHSE shareholders.

5). POST MERGER ACTIVITIES - Besides the launch of several high-profile theatrical productions post-merger, the newly re-branded Crimson-HHSE will be (finally!) launching the VODWIZ portal, and embarking on three, very exciting new distribution ventures involving North American activities, International Sales, and Theatrical Distribution in China. It is our belief that these significant post-merger activities will have a dramatic impact on the company's revenues, visibility and valuation.

6). TIME FRAME - we believe that we are only days away from completion of the tasks that are required for the regulatory approval of the stock-for-stock swap, and the physical share exchange. However, as this time frame is driven by outside agencies, we cannot provide a more specific prediction of the precise day that all of this will be completed.


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06/18/17 4:46 PM

#255390 RE: speckulater #255358

11 Reasons HHSE/CRIM/Newco Stock Continues Increasing Post MERGER

HHSE/CRIM/Newco MERGER. Exciting times for HHSE investors. HHSE has increased from about .005 to .027. Only the beginning.

I sat down and quickly gathered 11 reasons why HHSE/CRIM/Newco stock continues to rise post MERGER.

Pre MERGER ad nauseam this board has documented HHSE fair and true price is north of .10. After doing simple Due Diligence is very easy to see the imminent Post MERGER increases the value of HHSE conservatively to .20 to .30 or greater. A 700% to 1,000% Increase of Return from here.

Every other day I will try to post here and discuss, provide further details to each of the 11 reasons. Until then, a quick list so that one may conduct proper Due Diligence. The information is all there and available for the shrewd investor..

11 Reasons HHSE/CRIM/Newco Stock Continues Increasing Post MERGER

1.) Multiple Legal Issue Settlements

2.) Launch VODwiz

3.) Increased Revenues / Earnings. HHSE/CRIM Visibility, Stature, Valuation

4.) NASDAQ Uplist. Sophisticated, informed investors. Additionally, Asian (Chinese) based investors

5.) Artificial Manipulation, Stock Price Boxing Completion/Exhausted

6.) 5 Significant Media Players (Chinese Based) Conduct Various Post MERGER Financial Transactions ($65,000,000 Funding)

7.) $4,000,000 HHSE/CRIM/Newco Direct Stock Purchase @ 100% Premium (Major Media Company)

8.) HHSE/CRIM/Newco Share Support. Contemporaneous with the merger, several of the China-based affiliates will be buying blocks of Crimson stock on the public markets

Additionally, Post MERGER HHSE/CRIM Embark on three, very exciting new distribution ventures that post merger activities will have a dramatic impact on the company's revenues, visibility and valuation, involving:

9.) North American Activities

10.) International Sales

11.) Theatrical Distribution In China