People are stupid they got to wait for name change becuase they think for some odd reason it's not really happening .also people are still scared of sessions threats to witch congress responded with a bill that says basically that the Feds can not spend ONE RED CENT on cracking down on ANY state that voted in mmj or MJ So they can't even pay dea agents to do anything related to cracking down .best of all RSII has done everything they say there doing (it's just takeing them a bit of time) so to be afraid they won't come threw on the name change not happening is absurd .that being said it's takeing way long for the pps to go up .and bottom line I looked up charts on first 2 pages of weed stocks and about 98% of them have bean going down down down for last 5 months so u would guess that trend WILL HAVE TO CHANGE .and basically as long as the market keeps lolly gagging around I will be pissed off of the MM. Minipulating and the panic selling for it's gotten to the point of being soooooooooooo obvious and lots of people being to dumb to figure it out so I'm prepared for the long wait don't we now have to deal with summer time market .