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06/16/17 7:47 AM

#20263 RE: SamuraiJay #20261

I'm not predicting anything. Haven't yet.

These questions make more sense though. You're actually correlating the possibility of a RS to the actual company and current leader of it, not the unrelated past from a different company in 2001.

Like I said, I'm not letting WAIS off the hook. He's ruined what could have been a very profitable company and stock. I was only referencing your statement that used 2 past RSs under different ownership as reason to conclude there would definitely be another.

I've got to go have a little fun for the day, but here's a few of my current major questions:

1) what will come of the other 3 pending lawsuits?

2) will the lending companies want shares or money?

3) when will those settlements occur?

4) will we ever get the SPARC details from the govt involving Aspire? I know it takes time, but in regards to this stock, time is precious.

5) will TXHD be able to pay down debt in cash and avoid issuing more shares?

6) what is this business partnership with JSJ going to offer for txhd financially?

7) can we get a new CEO? Remove WAIS, and we remove a major part of the problem of loose and reckless spending (from what I've gathered)...which is the major reason why the stock was driven down this low on the back of the company not being able to repay the lenders.

-- peace. Have fun today.