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09/16/06 9:12 AM

#206573 RE: niteowl #204937

9/11/06 "Meria With Paul Thompson - 911 Press For Truth"
Show opens with "Paris Vs.Bush"; Paul Thompson, creator of and author of "the Terror Timeline Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11- And America's Response"; starring in the movie joins me to discuss the facts of 9/11 that have been ignored by the media and the current administration; The "Jersey Girls" and the 9/11 Commission investigation; 911 commission a blend of politicians and partisans; Bush did nothing on 9/11; no fighter jets on Air Force One takeoff; 3 NORAD bases in Fla, nothing in the air; the G8 summit threat to Bush; surface to air missiles atop the building George stayed at before going to Booker T; media failed us; the cover-up on 9/11; NORAD has seven different versions of 9/11; project Bojinka, then and now; Pakistans connection to 9/11; Saeed Sheikh -paymaster for 9/11 - agent of ISI - murderer of Daniel Pearl; the head of the ISI meeting
in Washington on 9/11; Randy Glass and his warning; the ISI created the Taliban with our support; no repercusions to Saudi Arabia for their part in 9/11; US supporting countries that harbor and finance terrorists; "US has been dealing with the devil a long time"; five years later - no accountability, no firings; no answers to questions and abnormalities of that day. Very informative interview. To memorialize 9/11 is to continue to push for the TRUTH.
check out for a great interview!

From New World Order globalists to our endangered environment to emerging spirituality, The Meria Heller Show shines the light of truth on our troubled planet. Listen to a FREE recent show here: (Windows Media Player required).


09/16/06 9:48 AM

#206574 RE: niteowl #204937

Let's ALL keep this going! Please!

"if they ever open their mouth their pensions are at risk."

And this is why many military and firemen/women and police and state and community workers that are on local government or federal government payroll that were involved in the rescue and aftermath at 9/11 are not speaking out,


9/11 Toxic Dust Whistleblower Raided By SWAT Team

Ground zero hero Major Mike McCormack says he was deliberately targeted for helping release documents on EPA government cover-up, says 75% of police, firemen believe 9/11 cover-up...

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | September 15 2006

A 9/11 toxic dust whistleblower, a ground zero hero and one of the individuals influential in the release of documents proving a government cover-up that deliberately put police, firemen and rescue personel at risk, has been raided by a New York SWAT team - who ransacked his home for three hours after he was arrested.

Major Mike McCormack is a hospital technician and civil air patrol pilot who worked the ground zero site for eight days after the collapse of the twin towers. He is one of the real heroes of 9/11 and was the man who found the American flag that was later displayed as a token of unity atop the rubble.

Within hours McCormack was coughing up black mucus and within days he was coughing up blood as the toxic dust that was deliberately covered up by the EPA poisoned his lungs along with all the other rescue workers, police and firemen who were being used in photo ops by Bush and his cronies while their very livelihoods were being endangered by a government cover-up.

McCormack now suffers from an extreme respiratory sensitivity, has a 5-millimeter metal nodule in one lung and has been forced to give up his passion of scuba diving.

McCormack currently occupies a high position of employment in security with the federal government which at the moment he prefers not to divulge. He has many friends who were affected by the ground zero toxic dust, including New York City police and state troopers.

McCormack believes the set-up and the raid are a direct reaction to his activism in helping get the EPA documents that proved the toxic dust cover-up released.

"Numerous firemen were telling me that they heard numerous secondary explosions all over the building - these guys are seasoned firefighting professionals - a lot of them have military backgrounds and they're not stupid."

"Everybody on the planet knew that not only was the World Trade Center hit - it was totally wiped out," said McCormack.

McCormack said that around 75% of police, firemen and rescue personnel that he had personally spoke with now believe there is a cover-up pertaining to 9/11 and that many had been threatened that "if they ever open their mouth their pensions are at risk.">>>>