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06/15/17 2:41 AM

#112991 RE: melehuna #112990

What I don't understand is that the number of shareholders on the otc can be as low as low as 114. For instance I have had the impression that the air pilots who own a significant part of SIAF do so individully and that Rock Hill is not the shareholder. But I may have got that wrong. Even if that is the case I am surprised that there are so few sharehoulders outside the Nordic countries. Even some shareholders in Nordic countries have some shares on the otc based on what I have read on this board.


06/15/17 10:32 AM

#113004 RE: melehuna #112990

I traded SIAF thru TDA, bought and Sold and Bought and sold and so on since 2011 on the OTC.
Holding Free Share Now, so lets get this done.