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06/13/17 6:32 PM

#28066 RE: Gusjarvis #28065

I have friends in India and I asked them to see if they can find any information on the company. I've found evidence that they do exists but i'm getting more information

help me

06/13/17 6:58 PM

#28067 RE: Gusjarvis #28065

You can't change the rinse and rinse shareholders of their money. It's a scam for toxic investors. Al felt sorry for his toxic guys said to ME(on phone) he was going to issue them more shares so they don't lose. Al found me on IHUB never heard of him before. I know FOR A FACT what he said wasn't true. Al also has IHUB aliases and was posting pumping ICBU as a pot stock. This is my last post can't teach a guy about scams if he doesn't want it to be true.

I suggest you listen to goodoboy.



06/13/17 7:51 PM

#28068 RE: Gusjarvis #28065

Problem is, no one (including the Company) can prove they are
actually making 10's of millions.

My opinion?

I need to see "Certified Audited Financials" from an independent, reputable firm.
Not this bullshit "Company Says it so it must be True" garbage...