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06/23/17 1:49 PM

#30166 RE: jumanji0881 #30074

So the FEDs are now saying that their rate hikes are over (for a while) ?

LoL - They're scared.

TWO little hikes huh, was all they could muster ?....One half of 1 percent ?.....

Heaven forbid there should exist an alternative to having ones' money in stocks !....LoL

What a buncha freakin' ratbags....

Hunting for excuses :

WAIT !......There IS an alternative !..... *In the form of a housing bubble :
But, there IS no inflation (say the FEDs)

Could THAT be why the price of housing is so high ?....

Because nobody wants to go NEAR their damn stock market....?


And could this also be why there are so many expensive autos on the road these days ?

Nobody wants to go NEAR their damn stock market.

It's only themselves who are forcing stocks up...
Themselves and their uber-rich wealthy cohorts.

Who're now all attempting to tempt us all ; us into us buying their portfolios from them.....

I dunno....LoL....Many charts still look bullish to me....

PS by the way eh ?.....So what's up with Condor ?
Have they come out with some results ?

All the best
