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06/09/17 11:13 AM

#34283 RE: Kroooo #34279

Well, Kroooo, I can guarantee you it won't be released on any food network, lol. You see, if you had been here long like we have, you'd know that Kurt talked long ago about where he'd like to release the Bobby Dale show. And, everyone here knows I tend to get on my high horse about this topic as I am a former film/tv producer. So I apologize in advance if I come off sounding a bit stern here, but, this is one area I do know quite a lot about, and I mean no offense to you at all so keep that in mind.

So although we don't know yet where the show will air, we've got some ideas about where it possibly could end up airing, and it won't be on some crappy food network I can tell you that!

Another thing you missed was back in March, Momentous had up on their website an 8 minute preview segment of the show. And it was good. And we all thought it was good. And it was not in the least big shabby. We were all quite thrilled here to see it, and it was only up for about a few weeks (correct me if I'm wrong guys), and then Kurt took it down. This was to give us dedicated shareholders a sneak peak at the show that no one else got to see. We consider ourselves lucky to have seen it.

And...they are not going to release any footage until they have something to release that is at the right time for them. These reality shows are very hush-hush--meaning, just like other tv shows, they keep things hidden until the big unveiling. They can't give the show away.

Now knowing Kurt, and how he likes to tease us with little tidbits as a surprise now and then, I wouldn't be surprised to see an new short clip at some point on the website, but I can also say that if he doesn't do that, I understand why, as producers do tend to keep shows very under wraps.

I hope you're not deterred by what you perceive to be "shabby" footage, but I can tell you, the longs here are very proud to be part of this and excited to see it unfold.

As for me, I will be watching Bobby Dale all the way to Victory Lane!



06/09/17 11:28 AM

#34287 RE: Kroooo #34279

Kroooo- On MMEG's website's Bobby Earnhardt Reality TV page there is a section that says Filming and Production. At the end of that paragraph it says:
"Mr. Pepe has been in the process of tagging the footage for preparation of compiling and beginning to build an initial production reel on the show. Once the reel is completed, Momentous will post the footage on this page for Bobby's fans to get sneak preview of the show to come."
Momentous has followed through on this and posted a 7 minute segment of the production reel on the website. The sneak preview was available to view for about 30 days and has since been removed from the website. It could have been removed due to someone purchasing the rights to it, but just speculating here. I'm pretty sure The Dennis Gile series production reel is still available to view on the website.
... And I'm sure you meant good network instead of food network?...
