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07/18/18 3:22 AM

#284605 RE: fuagf #270099

May narrowly heads off defeat after caving in to Brexit hardliners

"5 times U.K. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn slammed Donald Trump"

Brexit. One other Trump-Putin victory.

PM provokes rebellion from Tory remainers but wins customs vote in Commons

• Vote Leave fined and reported to police by Electoral Commission

Dan Sabbagh Heather Stewart and Jessica Elgot

Mon 16 Jul 2018 17.13 EDT
Last modified on Tue 17 Jul 2018 05.30 EDT

Theresa May speaking to the House of Commons. Photograph: PA

Theresa May .. .. has narrowly seen off a Commons rebellion from Conservative remainers unhappy that she had caved in to hardline Brexiters by accepting their amendments to the customs bill.

The government majority was reduced to just three votes on the two most controversial amendments after leading Tory remainer Anna Soubry complained that the prime minister had lost control of events by making concessions to the rightwing European Research Group of MPs.

The most important of the four amendments from the ERG, chaired by Jacob Rees-Mogg, had been designed to frustrate May’s compromise proposals over customs arrangements agreed at Chequers .. .. and had initially been opposed by the government, until Downing Street made a sudden U-turn in the afternoon.

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