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06/07/17 9:10 PM

#387525 RE: beach_trades #387524

Hi Buddy, long time no speak, hope all is well....Don't worry about lies spread by Dem controlled media, no impeaching going on, Pres Trump doing a superb job so far.....I love him.....

I like to quiz other experienced people to get their thoughts on the market and what they think will happen soon.....Seems like bubbles built by Fed all over past several years, at some point, somethings gotta give. Always has in our history, having a crash now and then to flush the system....inevitable, no clue when though on the next one....

~ Blue ~

06/08/17 9:34 AM

#387537 RE: beach_trades #387524

IFON 25% up skyrocketing! big news out yesterday