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Frayed Knot

06/07/17 8:53 AM

#91480 RE: Dave Smith01 #91479

Yea, pretty funny isn't it. Like I said to DoF, I wasn't sure if Petey was talking about ANOTHER lawsuit against Petey or if Petey was trying to sue someone again, he loves to do that. I have seen many lawsuits he had filed and then failed to win. Sometimes he just dismisses when the heat gets too much.

I thought it was special that Petey first stated the "legal issue" and not the great things happening with Re-Medical...

The comment about Re-Medical was more an afterthought, imo.

Oh yea, because there really isn't anything happening with Re-Medical or HPNN which is in DEFAULT....

..... guess that is the reason..


PS Remember Michaels is a "consultant" with SFIV, that board is worth looking at...


06/07/17 1:55 PM

#91481 RE: Dave Smith01 #91479

HPNN- not little legal issue, but a huge legal issue.

HPNN is supposed to be registered as a corporation in Nevada. By law, they must maintain a registered agent, where legal papers and other important documents can be served on Hop-On.

They also have no business license anywhere; and are not authorized to conduct business, enter into contracts, and defend itself against lawsuits.

These are not small legal issues.

California is just waiting for Hop-On to claim it is conducting business out of its headquarters in California.
I'm wondering if Nevada will suspend Hop-On soon, too?