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Frayed Knot

06/06/17 9:31 AM

#91478 RE: DoF #91477

That was nice of you to give Petey credit for reading. Does he?

Yea, I doubt he was making a reference to a Col Sebastian "Basher" Moran, Moriarty's right-hand man. But Moriarty might be Petey's hero... So.....

So, his most recent tweet talks about another "legal issue"!

Wonder if someone is suing him AGAIN or is it his typical thing of trying to sue someone.

What I find amusing is that the "legal issue" was placed before what should be the MOST IMPORTANT thing for the DEFAULT HPNN....

.... oh wait, now he is talking about Re-Medical. Hmmm, wonder if it is active in any state.

Of course, what are the products??

.....oh yea, the same ol' thing from 2014, which apparently didn't exist since there was never any fiancial showing sales.

That Petey..... still trying to WORK IT...


Hop-on, Inc.? @HPNN 20h20 hours ago
One of the projects we are working, legal issue, should have answer this week, More news to follow, re: licensing deals and Re-Medical info