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06/05/17 10:34 AM

#34705 RE: ORCA #34704

Doesn't matter who's BS it was the PPS is .0036...has to double now just to get back to less than it was. I am sure it will go back up but these drops like this don't help regardless of who it was


06/05/17 10:38 AM

#34706 RE: ORCA #34704

Hard to neglect a 56% fall! Fact is someone sold for that price. Wanted out bad I guess, we need something more than a forklift sale to excite the shares. Lee is a disappointment, he is making this stuff up as he goes. Scary if Marty was the brains of the operation. I had held more respect for lee but others pointed out its on lee really. He isn't a strong CEO. No one rushing in to buy at the ask after a sale like this. No consistency and weak management is not a good appeal for shares orca this is not the direction I saw things going mm or not.


06/05/17 10:42 AM

#34709 RE: ORCA #34704

The problem comes in if existing or new bids get moved down to these levels, I think we are going to be stuck for a while.