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06/04/17 4:59 PM

#269980 RE: F6 #269977

Shouldn’t Jared Kushner Be Arrested? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

.. is inside the first inch of yours .. Olbermann packages Kushner-to-date with his innards of MAGA gift wrapped beautifully ..
no wonder Kislyak was 'taken aback' by Kushner's creative suggestion of a new role for the Russian intelligence apparatus

See also:

How Jared Kushner built a luxury skyscraper using loans meant for job-starved areas


06/04/17 6:37 PM

#269983 RE: F6 #269977

Sessions memo gives cops permission to continue targeting blacks:

Kwame Rose Published 9:18 p.m. CT April 6, 2017 | Updated 9:55 p.m. CT April 7, 2017

VIDEO: Attorney General Jeff Sessions is sticking with President Donald Trump’s emphasis on law and order. Susana Victoria Perez (@susana_vp) has more. Buzz60

Roll back of consent decrees would kill efforts to end racial bias in police practices.

On Monday, when Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered a review .. .. of the previous administration's consent decrees (agreements with more than 20 police departments .. .. to change racially biased practices), he set the country back more than most probably realize. In a two-page memo, he essentially gave police permission to ignore civil rights changes and continue to target the black community. And as the most recent, brutal interactions between police and minority communities have shown, targeting all too often leads to death.


> POLICING THE USA: A look at race, justice, media

> VOICES: Invest in education instead of incarceration

> COLUMN: Inmate death points to longstanding racial injustices

Since the killing of Trayvon Martin .. , a 17-year-old who was shot on his way home from the store in Florida in 2012, Black Lives Matter and other modern-day civil rights movements have pushed for the Department of Justice to investigate police practices in cities such as Baltimore, Ferguson and Chicago. And the DOJ complied, shocking some by reporting what blacks have known about police departments for decades — that these departments were filled with entrenched racism, systemic discrimination and policing tactics that were rooted in racial bias.

Coretta Scott King, the late widow of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, warned the world about Sessions more than 20 years ago. In 1986, she penned a letter .. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is sticking with President Donald Trump’s emphasis on law and order. Susana Victoria Perez (@susana_vp) has more. Buzz60 .. opposing Sessions' nomination for a federal judgeship. She wrote that Sessions, who has served as an attorney general in and a senator from Alabama, "used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters."

The same attitude of intimidation continues today.

In his Monday memo .. , Sessions claimed that "it is not the responsibility of the federal government to manage non-federal law enforcement agencies." This statement ignores the federal statute that gives national authority to investigate local departments suspected of being in violation of civil rights .. .

Former Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, right,
speaks during a Baltimore news conference next to Police
Commissioner Kevin Davis. (Photo: Kim Hairston, AP)

Last month, seven Baltimore police officers were indicted .. , with the help of the FBI, on federal racketeering charges. Accusations against the officers ranged from filing false overtime reports to stealing money from citizens. One of the officers was also indicted on drug charges. Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis responded to the federal charges saying, "We wouldn't be under a consent decree if we didn't have issues. We have issues."

Make no mistake, in no way do the already mandated consent decrees solve the problem of policing. In fact, many of them lack the mandate to put citizens on police trial boards — a necessary move if we are to build trust between cops and communities and more objectively punish officers for infractions.

Even so, these decrees are a first step in holding law enforcement accountable and strengthening cop-community relations. Scaling back on investigations at this point will destroy the little progress that's been made, justify continued racist practices in the eyes of the most biased officers and prevent justice from being served.

It always amazes me when I talk to folks who support President Trump and they complain about how people of color make everything about race. Some Trump supporters say blacks pretend to be victims of discrimination. In just two-and-a-half months, the Trump administration's actions have proved that people of color have no need to pretend. The reality of racism during Trump's tenure (as brief as it has been) has only become more stark. The Muslim travel ban prompted Transportation Security Administration agents to detain U.S. citizens and green-card holders at airports. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids .. .. have torn apart families and arrested tax-contributing .. .. undocumented workers, many of whom have lived in the USA for longer than I've been alive.

The Trump administration's objective is supposed to be making America great again. But the administration's tactics have, for blacks, made America deadly.

As a diverse country, we cannot afford to move backward on police reform. Trump, who bragged about his business acumen during his presidential campaign, is missing the point that he can't run a country like a corporation. Lives can't be bid on like stocks.

The progress of individuals, not dividends, is at stake. For too many of us, the "again" in Trump's slogan is a constant reminder that our lives will continue to be abused, sacrificed and marginalized. If all lives matter, then saying that black lives matter shouldn't offend. Advocating against the unjustifiable killings of unarmed black people shouldn't be a responsibility but rather an obligation by elected officials.

Kwame Rose is an activist who lives in Baltimore.

Posted specifically to

Civil rights protections wither under Trump, Sessions
The Rachel Maddow Show
Vanita Gupta, former head of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, talks with Joy-Ann Reid about the Trump
administration's dismantling of important civil rights protections that are the responsibility of the Justice Department. Duration: 7:11

still within an inch down in yours which this time i'll note is headed:

"Yale Historian Timothy Snyder on How the U.S. Can Avoid Sliding into Authoritarianism"

See also:

Sessions orders Justice Department to review all police reform agreements

Hold on to your wallet, Trump and all his shady buddies are coming for it.


06/04/17 8:05 PM

#269987 RE: F6 #269977

London Bridge attack: Donald Trump slams Mayor, promotes travel ban on Twitter

Updated about 3 hours ago

Photo: Donald Trump took to Twitter amid the unfolding drama in London. (AP: Susan Walsh),-announcing-us-withdrawal-from-pari/8587864

Related Story: Trump administration seeks to revive travel ban

Related Story: People run down, stabbed in 'deliberate and cowardly' London Bridge terror attack

Map: United States ..,-97,5z

US President Donald Trump has criticised London's Mayor in the wake of the London Bridge terrorism attack, arguing on Twitter that leaders need to "stop being politically correct" and focus on "security for our people".

In a series of tweets shortly after the attack, Mr Trump also pushed his stalled travel ban, took on gun control supporters and pledged that the United States will help London and the United Kingdom.

The Mayor's spokesman said he was too busy to respond to Mr Trump's "ill-informed" tweet.

Seven people were killed and about 50 others injured when a van mowed down pedestrians on London Bridge .. .. before three attackers stabbed pub-goers at the nearby Borough Market.


Scum-bag Trump again stoops to his unique personal level of depravity in his attempt to exploit terrible tragedy for personal political reasons.


06/05/17 12:53 PM

#270001 RE: F6 #269977

‘From Muslim point of view, these are despicable people’

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her guests[, including Malcolm Nance,] discuss the London Attacks, the Muslim community’s reaction, and the fact that Donald Trump’s apparent attempt to politicize the tragedy may lead to even more conflict. Duration: 13:21



Trump leaves Paris Agreement—and activists vow to fight back

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her guests discuss the over 180 mayors among other leaders who have adopted the Paris climate accord after Donald Trump pulled the U.S. out of the multinational environmental deal. Duration: 6:58



Waters: I’m calling for the impeachment of this president!

AM Joy

Rep. Maxine Waters joins Joy Reid to discuss the latest on the investigation into the Trump camp’s Russia ties, and to discredit allegations that she ‘attacked’ journalist Michael Tracey. Duration: 8:01



Trump tweets: Increasing the threat of terrorism?

AM Joy

Terrorist attacks are a time when a measured response is needed, our expert panel tells us, not inflammatory language. Joy Reid moderates this important discussion. Duration: 13:41



Covfefe tweet and how White House panders to president

AM Joy

Trump is getting the 'dear leader' treatment from his inner circle, which recasts his missteps and gaffes as great achievements of historic proportions. Joy and her panel discuss. Duration: 12:08



Debunking Farage on ‘calls for internment’

AM Joy

Joy Reid and her panel[, Malcolm Nance,] discuss how overeating due to fear – through seeking internment of Muslims among other phobic actions – would hand a victory to extremist factions. Duration: 4:10



CNN Admits Chemtrails Exist

Published on Jun 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Taking a break from reporting very fake news, CNN finally admitted that geoengineering is real. [with comments]


Why Mainstream Ignores Bilderberg

Published on Jun 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

via YouTube Capture [with comments]


Trump Needs Our Support Now More Than Ever

Published on Jun 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

via YouTube Capture [with comments]


Unarmed Cops Fled London Attacks

Published on Jun 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Cops in the UK who routinely don't carry firearms fled when terrorists struck London. [with comments]


How To Speak Globalist: Their Propaganda Explained

Published on Jun 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

via YouTube Capture [with comments]


Bilderberg: Terrorist Van Carbon Footprint Bigger Threat Than ISIS

Published on Jun 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

The Bilderberg Group is more concerned with carbon taxes and controlling energy than it is with actual terrorism (which it fueled, by the way). [with comments]


UK Pushes Worldwide Internet Controls After Terror Attack

Published on Jun 4, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

via YouTube Capture [with comments]


FRONTLINE: The Secret History of ISIS

S34 Ep10
Video duration: 54:47
Aired: 05/16/16

From veteran FRONTLINE filmmaker Michael Kirk and his team comes the inside story of the creation of ISIS, and how the United States missed the many warning signs. The film uncovers the terror group's earliest plans, the Islamic radicals who became its leaders, and the American failures to stop ISIS's brutal rise.

The Secret History of ISIS

Copyright © 2017 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) [with the episode embedded], [with embedded videos, including the episode] [the two identical YouTubes of the episode for the moment at least respectively at (with comments), and (comments disabled)] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding and following and and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following)]


Exclusive: Perpetrators Of London Bridge Terror Attack Discovered: 6/4/17 Full Show

Published on Jun 5, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Sunday, June 4th 2017[, with an appearance by Mike Cernovich]: London Attack - Wahhabist terrorists struck the heart of London in a series of attacks all "in the name of Allah," and we break it all down on this Sunday broadcast. Also, we wrap up our coverage of the Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, where President Trump's enemies conspired against him. But the truth is coming out against Bilderberg and Trump is rising more than ever. We'll also take your calls during this powerful broadcast. [link deliberately disabled because my rig has repeatedly detected that site as malicious]
A video released a day after the Islamic terror attacks in London show a CNN crew staging a scene with Muslims holding signs saying “ISIS Will Lose”. [with comments]


Megyn Kelly One-on-One with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly
Sun, Jun 04, 2017

Megyn Kelly sits down for an exclusive interview with President Vladimir Putin, asking him about allegations that the Russians interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Putin Interview: Did Russia Interfere in the Election, Collect Info on Trump?
Jun 4 2017 [with this video embedded]

©2017 , [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and following, and preceding (and any future following)]


Paris Agreement: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published on Jun 4, 2017 by LastWeekTonight [ / , ]

Donald Trump plans to withdraw the United States from the Paris agreement on climate change. That's bad news for anyone who happens to live on this planet. [with (already over 6,000) comments]


Harvard Rescinds Acceptances for At Least Ten Students for Obscene Memes

After discovering the existence and contents of an explicit group chat, Harvard administrators revoked admissions offers to at least ten prospective members of the Class of 2021.
June 4, 2017
Harvard College rescinded admissions offers to at least ten prospective members of the Class of 2021 after the students traded sexually explicit memes and messages that sometimes targeted minority groups in a private Facebook group chat.
A handful of admitted students formed the messaging group—titled, at one point, “Harvard memes for horny bourgeois teens”—on Facebook in late December, according to two incoming freshmen.
In the group, students sent each other memes and other images mocking sexual assault, the Holocaust, and the deaths of children, according to screenshots of the chat obtained by The Crimson. Some of the messages joked that abusing children was sexually arousing, while others had punchlines directed at specific ethnic or racial groups. One called the hypothetical hanging of a Mexican child “piñata time.”
[...] [with comments]


and two items also included in the post to which this is a reply, this time appropriately annotated:


Hillary Clinton Blames Infowars For Election Loss

Published on Jun 1, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

via YouTube Capture

[from late May 31, 2017]

(linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following) [with comments] [a must-watch]


Full Show - The Death of Globalism is Here, Trump Blows Paris Accord Out of the Water - 06/01/2017

Published on Jun 1, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Thursday, June 1st 2017[, with appearances by Jerome Corsi and Jon Rappoport]: Bilderberg Global Elite Meet in Secret - Infowars is on the ground in Chantilly, Virginia, the site of the 65th annual Bilderberg elitist confab. Among topics to be addressed at the secretive meeting: Russia, "the war on information" and the Trump administration. Lord Monckton joins Alex Jones via Skype to discuss the bogus claims that support Climate Change policies.

again, (linked in) and preceding and following, and preceding (and any future following) [with comments] [also at (additional text adapted from; with comments)] [a must-watch]


in addition to (linked in) the post to which this is a reply and preceding and (other) following (in particular the current {and any future following}, {and any future following}, and and following and {and any future following}, see also (linked in): and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following); and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following; and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and following (and any future following) and following and preceding and following and following, and preceding (and any future following) and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following)


06/06/17 11:11 PM

#270054 RE: F6 #269977

Immigrant Deaths in Private Prisons Explode Under Trump

IMAGE: Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast


A man killed himself after 19 days in solitary confinement, days before another man died of heart failure.

Justin Glawe
05.30.17 1:00 AM ET

DALLAS—Men and women held by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement .. .. are on pace to die at double the rate of those who died in ICE custody last year, a Daily Beast review of ICE records found. And most will die in privately run facilities.

Eight people have died in ICE custody in the 2017 fiscal year, which began on Oct. 1, 2016. That’s almost as many as the 10 who died in the entire 2016 fiscal year. All but one of the deaths this year, and all but two last year, occurred in privately run prisons. Nine of the 18 deaths occurred at facilities run by GEO Group .. , the nation’s second-largest private prison company.

Jean Jimenez-Joseph hanged himself two weeks ago at a CoreCivic-run facility in Georgia after 19 consecutive days in solitary confinement, according to immigrant advocates in the state. Days earlier at a GEO-run facility in Texas, an Afghan mother seeking asylum from the Taliban tried to hang herself but lived. Atulkumar Babubhai Patel died of congestive heart failure in Georgia’s Atlanta City Detention Center that same week.

The uptick in deaths have come after a spike in arrests of immigrants thanks to executive orders signed by President Trump. In the first 100 days of the Trump administration, ICE said it arrested more than 41,000 people .. —an increase of 37 percent over the same period last year.

On any given day, 35,000 men, women, and children are held inside more than 200 immigrant detention facilities, according to ICE’s 2017 budget. Attorneys and advocates are concerned that the arrests are overcrowding facilities already criticized by watchdogs over understaffing .. , poor medical care, and violence .. .

“You’re guess is as good as mine,” said Matthew Kolken, a Buffalo-based immigration attorney, when asked if overcrowding and worsening conditions could be resulting in more deaths. “But if I were in one of these facilities, I wouldn’t want to bet my life on the staff and conditions there.”

Just before 1 a.m. on May 15, Jimenez-Joseph was found unconscious in his cell at Stewart, run by CoreCivic. The 27-year-old had hanged himself, ICE said, adding that he was taken to a hospital located 35 miles away, where he was pronounced dead.

CoreCivic directed The Daily Beast's questions to ICE. In a statement, ICE said Jimenez-Joseph had been placed in solitary confinement for fighting with another detainee, and his stay in solitary was extended after allegedly exposing himself to a female employee of the facility. He was scheduled to be released from solitary the week he hanged himself, ICE spokesperson Bryan Cox said.

Two days prior to hanging himself, Cox said, Jimenez-Joseph’s mother and father visited him at Stewart. The next day, members of an advocacy group were denied a meeting with Jimenez-Joseph by CoreCivic employees, according to Cox. A CoreCivic spokesman did not immediately say why members of the group were not allowed to see Jimenez-Joseph.

Other times at Stewart, solitary confinement has been used to punish detainees who went on hunger strike to protest conditions, according to a study conducted by immigrant-advocacy group Project South and PennState Law’s Center for Immigrants’ Rights Clinic.

“What we’ve seen is that solitary is used as punishment for a variety of things, but especially for protesting conditions,” Azadeh Shahshahani of Project South said. “They’re far away from their homes and families, they don’t have access to an attorney, so, really, putting their bodies on the line [in hunger strikes, for example] is often their only form of protest.”

Samira Hakimi would have been another suicide death, had she succeeded in her attempt in the Karnes County Residential Center .. .. in Karnes City, Texas, on May 12, according to advocates.

Hakimi, her husband, and their two daughters arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border in December and turned themselves into authorities. The family was seeking asylum after being threatened by the Taliban for running Western-style schools near their home in Afghanistan. After being taken into custody, Hakimi was separated from her husband and taken to Karnes, a facility that holds immigrant mothers and their children, according to Amy Fischer of RAICES, an immigrant advocacy group.

Hakimi and her sister-in-law—who was also separated from her husband at the border—passed a credible fear interview, the first step toward being granted asylum in the U.S., according to Fischer. But the mothers were denied release by ICE. The agency has not said why Hakimi and her family have not been released.

“She has watched other people pass their credible fear interviews and be released, and I think that’s part of the difficulty for Samira,” Fischer said. “She and her kids are constantly seeing people leaving in short periods of time but her, her sister-in-law, and her sister-in-law’s child are still stuck there.”

RAICES has asked ICE to release Hakimi and her family, but she said those requests have been denied. ICE has not given a reason for continuing to hold Hakimi and her family, something that is common for release denials, Fischer said.

Lisa Graybill of the Southern Poverty Law Center is among those who have seen releases become less common under the Trump administration. But even before Trump took office, releases were used sparingly under former President Obama.

“At Stewart, we’re working with an incredibly low percentage of detainees being granted release after passing credible fear interviews,” Graybill told The Daily Beast.

CoreCivic and GEO Group have seen their stocks rise thanks to the Trump administration’s cancellation of a Justice Department order to phase out the use of private prisons for American citizens .. . The decree was seen by criminal justice reform advocates as a hopeful sign that private prison companies might soon be out of the business of running immigration detention facilities as well.

GEO runs the two facilities with the most amount of deaths in the last two years, The Daily Beast found. Four have died at the LaSalle Detention Center in Jena, Louisiana, since October 2016. Three have died at the Adelanto Detention Center in Adelanto, California, during that same time.

Despite the deaths and rampant complaints of poor conditions in its facilities, GEO has been the recipient of at least three large contracts since Trump took office. In December, the company opened an immigration detention center in Folkston, Georgia, that was funded partly by $116 million in taxpayer .. .. money. At the time, the company said in a press release .. .. the facility will result in $21 million in annual revenue.

In April, the company announced it will build a $110 million facility near Houston to hold immigrants—the first new immigrant prison of the Trump administration. That facility is expected to bring in $44 million in annual revenue, the company said.

Last week, the company announced it was awarded contracts with the Bureau of Prisons worth $664 million for two Texas facilities that hold illegal immigrants with criminal records.

Correction, May 30, 9:45 a.m.: Azadeh Shahshahani was misquoted saying Jean Jimenez-Joseph was placed in solitary confinement for protesting conditions in the facility. We regret the error.

Posted specifically to into the 2nd half of yours

In D.C., Fake ICE Flyers Urged Residents to Report Undocumented Immigrants

'Tear it down': DC mayor reacts to fake ICE flyers posted in the city

"Yale Historian Timothy Snyder on How the U.S. Can Avoid Sliding into Authoritarianism"

See also:

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.


06/23/18 12:21 AM

#281701 RE: F6 #269977

Ahead of Turkey’s snap elections, Erdogan faces three main challenges

"Yale Historian Timothy Snyder on How the U.S. Can Avoid Sliding into Authoritarianism"

Kemal Kirisci and Ömer Taspinar
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan might come to regret calling snap elections. Instead of catching the opposition off guard, as he hoped, his Justice and Development Party (AKP) could actually lose its parliamentary majority, and there’s a chance that Erdogan won’t even remain president.


Kemal Kirisci
TÜSIAD Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe Director - The Turkey Project

Ömer Taspinar
Nonresident Senior Fellow - Foreign Policy, Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence

The June 24 election is the first in which Turks will vote simultaneously for president and for parliamentary seats. In April 2017, voters approved amendments to the Turkish constitution in a national referendum .. .. that—passed by a slim 51 to 49 percent margin—transformed Turkey’s parliamentary system to a tightly centralized presidential one. The referendum was held under emergency rule and in a tense political climate that largely favored Erdogan and his government.

Yet Erdogan won only by a whisker. This time, three main factors—a surprisingly strong opposition, a struggling economy, and a resilient Kurdish voting bloc—combine to stage a real challenge to Turkey’s strongman.

The context

A rapidly deteriorating economy .. .. led Erdogan to gamble on snap elections, hoping to secure a new mandate before things turn from bad to worse. Had he waited for their normal date in November 2019—when the new presidential system was supposed to take effect—he would have probably already lost all the big cities in the March 2019 local elections, and the opposition would have gained momentum.

Erdogan hoped .. .. to foreclose that possibility, but the outcome of the vote this coming Sunday is not preordained. According to most polls ..,650617 —recognizing that Turkish polls aren’t always reliable—Erdogan is not likely to receive 50 percent + 1 of the votes to win the presidency outright, and will need to go to a run-off. While he’s likely to win the run-off, the AKP might not win a majority in parliament. Such an outcome could theoretically offer Turkish democracy a second chance, with a humbled and diminished Erdogan learning to compromise in a political context of cohabitation with the parliamentary opposition.

If this happens, it would be a radical departure from the past. Erdogan has been relentlessly pushing to consolidate his one-man rule for some time. The presidential .. .. system .. .. he coveted calls for abolishing the office of the prime minister and gives the president the power to appoint his cabinet at his own will (not involving parliament). He would also enjoy significant powers over appointing members of the judiciary and the higher ranks of the bureaucracy as well as the power to issue executive decrees. Parliament’s powers would be significantly reduced, though it would still be able to challenge presidential decrees, legislate, and adopt the national budget. But in another major break from past practice, the constitutional amendments also enable the president to be the leader of a political party, allowing him/her to exercise control over the legislative process. Hence, a failure by the AKP to win a parliamentary majority on Sunday would complicate the transition to a presidential system and temper Erdogan’s ambitions. He would either have to compromise or hold yet another snap election and risk further instability.
Erdogan’s strategy

Erdogan’s strategy has been to polarize the country and form a closer alliance with Turkish nationalists (unlike in the past, when he formed tactical coalitions with liberals, centrists, the Gülen community, and Kurds). His current coalition with the ultra-nationalist Nationalist Action Party (MHP) reflects an ethnoreligious convergence based on anti-Kurdish, anti-American, anti-Europe, and anti-Gülen sentiments.

This conservative nationalist coalition is a revival of a deeply rooted Turkish state tradition that sees Kurdish nationalism, Western imperialism, and liberalism as enemies of the republic. It also emphasizes Sunni Islam as an integral part of the Turkish state and Turkish national identity, despite the secular character of the republic and religious diversity in the country. Finally, Erdogan’s nationalist turn also brought to an end the Kurdish peace process, and his military has cracked down against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey’s southeast.

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Upcoming Event
Who won Turkey? Implications from Erdogan’s snap elections
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Washington, DC

Order from Chaos
Turkey’s snap elections and the future of Turkish democracy
Kemal Kirisci and Kutay Onayli
Monday, April 23, 2018

The challenge

There are three main factors determining Erdogan’s electoral fragility: the state of the opposition, the economy, and Kurdish voters.

1. The opposition to Erdogan is unexpectedly energized, eclectic, and united. The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) was quick to help the newer Iyi (Good) Party—formed by disgruntled former MHP members—to qualify to run in the elections. The two parties then brought on board a small conservative religious party, Saadet (Felicity), hoping to draw the conservative religious electorate, including possibly Kurdish conservatives. The members of the alliance also committed to supporting whoever becomes the candidate to run against Erdogan in a run-off.

In the meantime, Muharrem Ince, Meral Aksener, and Temel Mollaoglu are the presidential candidates for CHP, Iyi Party, and Saadet, respectively. They have adopted a surprisingly inclusionary approach to Turkey’s ethnic, social, and religious diversity that is resonating much better with the public than Erdogan’s divisive one. Mollaoglu speaks compellingly of ethical decline, as well as corruption in AKP ranks. Ince and Aksener have focused on job creation and educational reform, in contrast to Erdogan’s emphasis on past economic achievements and promises of fantastic projects. These messages resonate better with the more than one million new voters who have only ever known Erdogan in power, and who struggle with an increasingly dysfunctional educational system that offers little professional prospects.

2. The poor state of the economy will work against Erdogan. In an opinion poll conducted by
Center for American Progress .. (CAP), 62 percent of respondents thought that the government “is managing the current currency and inflation situation very poorly or somewhat poorly.” Erdogan’s unorthodox views .. .. that lower interest rates will help decrease inflation and his disregard for the independence of the Central Bank has undermined confidence in him and the Turkish lira. The plummeting Turkish currency has reportedly .. .. caused a near 4-percent drop in Erdogan’s popularity.

3. There’s the pro-Kurdish HDP, or Peoples Democratic Party, which passed the 10 percent threshold to enter parliament in 2015—securing seats that otherwise would have mostly gone to the AKP. The opposition coalition decided not to include HDP, fearing it could turn away swing voters. HDP’s inclusion would have also complicated matters for the Iyi Party, in particular, which competes for a nationalist base with both the AKP and MHP.

On the parliamentary vote: For the AKP-MHP alliance to obtain a majority, HDP would need to win less than 10 percent of the national vote. And in fact, according to a simulation by the
Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) .. , if HDP receives 9.9 percent of the votes, then 53 out of the 63 seats in parliament would go to the AKP alliance.

On the presidential vote: The opposition alliance has an understanding with jailed HDP leader, Selahattin Demirtas—who is running for president from his jail cell—that he’ll encourage his own supporters to vote for the opposition presidential candidate in the event of a run-off against Erdogan.

Finally, due to new electoral regulations .. , there are concerns about the integrity .. .. of the voting in Kurdish areas. This perceived mistreatment of HDP is actually having a rallying effect for some voters who are inclined to support political “underdogs” and vote tactically to deny Erdogan’s party a win.

The outcome

All these factors could upset Erdogan’s aspirations, and his grip over Turkey may not recover if the snap elections don’t go his way. Even if he manages to win the presidential election and if the AKP retains a majority in parliament (with the support of MHP), the victory could be pyrrhic for Turkey’s strongman. His government will face mounting economic and political problems ahead of the 2019 municipal elections, as well as an energized and increasingly united opposition.

On the other hand, if Erdogan wins in the run-off but the AKP fails to win a parliamentary majority, there could be new opportunities to revive Turkish democracy (especially if he doesn’t call for yet another round of snap elections). The optimistic scenario is that political co-habitation may help bring a new era of compromise; the pessimistic one is instability and deadlock. Recall that earlier in his political career, Erdogan was a reformist pragmatist, pushing for democracy and better governance. In any case, his most powerful days may very well be behind him.

Reportedly Erdogan controls some 90% of the media in Turkey.

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