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06/03/17 11:57 AM

#723 RE: deet49 #722

Interesting article Deet. While not the cure-all, if more bills are passed similar to this maybe we can compile enough income to pay off the claims. Arguments from both sides, but at least someone is using their head and leveraging the situation of claims to find a happy medium for all. Maybe soon we can get some real progress.


06/06/17 11:55 AM

#733 RE: deet49 #722

If 2% sales Tax achieved it would take $120m per year just to cover the 6% INTEREST going forward not including the $8B outstanding thus far

$120M payment to FRAZ would be about 3% of that
so $3.6M divided by the SS as we understand it to be
produces a dividend of apox. $6.31 per share FOREVER ....

Good news is... unlike the past administration congress is moving forward on the subject and making every transaction( agricultural travel industrial energy ect.) subject to 2% tax would move the ball much faster