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06/02/17 1:25 PM

#61037 RE: ThinkSustain #61036

Where do you get your science? Or are 99% of global scientists all politically motivated to lie? Talk about conspiracy. That would be amazing! So organized too.
The change in global temperature has NEVER changed at a such a rapid rate, scientific study has established this irrefutably.
Loss in jobs... a silly argument. Bring back coal = stupidity, and duplicity.

Renewables create many many jobs. And is low cost. And is clean. And is efficient. The sun... you' e heard of it! It's free! Yeah, can you believe it? FREE energy source. Let's get smart and job creating figuring how to efficiently and best access this FREE energy source. In fact, we are already there! And getting more and more efficient and cheaper still.

Change U.S. oil and gas investment tax write-offs of 80% to solar and wind investments, and boom, investment money by the billions shifts to these industries and innovation takes-off big time.

Industry get their propaganda machine going to convince good citizens that shifting from a centralized one-to-many energy distribution system we currently have and rely upon should NOT shift to localized personally independent energy supply and sources. You like freedom? They don't want you to have it. And will propagandize you into believing that the current system is the ONLY and best option.

Free is best. It's free. It's clean. It's safe.


06/02/17 1:41 PM

#61039 RE: ThinkSustain #61036

New gold discoveries in the Yukon. Why! Never previously accessible, glaciers have melted just in your lifetime. Unprecedented speed in change. Now mining companies are exploring there.
Gold and Dollar are irrelevant.