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06/02/17 12:19 PM

#18346 RE: 2tommy2 #18345

Lol thats the new effi business model!!!


06/02/17 12:28 PM

#18347 RE: 2tommy2 #18345

Opps better delete that thought. I was sent to prison for several thousand hits during our wonderful war on drugs, making me a POW and I never joined the army. Now I just want to try and make some money legally in the cannabis sector and not worry about the government robbing me with the RICO act because I choose to get high. That is a criminal thinking error because they robbed me because I got other people high. So I pretty much quit getting everyone high and haven't been busted in 15 years. That's progress. I bet its hard to believe I'm a agnostic conservative who gets high for a living ( semi retired and a lot more careful.