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06/01/17 10:05 PM

#269919 RE: Dale C #269918

The founding fathers forgot to include a Science Branch, even though several, such as Jefferson were cutting edge scientists at the time. It probably never occurred to them that people would reject the reality of science. It is perhaps why the separation of church and state assumes that magic and fairy tales are not going to be part of the government.


06/01/17 10:05 PM

#269920 RE: Dale C #269918

Well this year we recently past the highest levels for CO2 ever recorded while man walked this planet. As much as 50 million years ago. Now combine that with the methane explosion that is coming and the increase in human population. I'm glad I won't be around in 50 years.

We Just Breached the 410 PPM Threshold for CO2

Carbon dioxide has not reached this height in millions of years