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06/01/17 5:00 PM

#64273 RE: Carini #64260

Maybe one of the shadiest moves ever. Right up there with "The Thumb". Check it out:

The last Tweet on the page you linked says "Damiana one of the herbs in Besado has a trendous comparison and highly substituted".

That's some nifty Zospeak...sounds terfic, duzznt it? I was going to ask you whether you thought that it was wise of the company to point out that damiana is "highly substituted" given that ISBG itself uses a substitute, but I found something related that's EVEN MORE ENTERTAINING.

The Disclosure Statement in the Annual Report filed on March 31 has a section called "Besado Tequila" that we've seen a number of times in prior filings. It includes the following:

"Tequila is North America's first distilled spirit and originated in Mexico. To be classified as tequila, the product must be made from no less than 51% Weber blue agave and it can only be produced in five regions of Mexico; these regions are for the most part in the north-west part of the country. Better and high-end tequilas are made from 100% Weber blue agave. Tequila is almost always sold in concentrations of approximately 38% to 40% alcohol by volume.
Tequila dubbed the “new vodka” is on a nice growth plane. For many years, Mexico's fiery liquor was
largely confined to margaritas and shooters at the bar. Now, tequila is becoming an increasingly popular liquor for consumers to simply sip or enjoy in a cocktail; as opposed to only being an ingredient in a margarita. This award-winning limited yearly production this premium tequila is infused with "Herbal Erotic Stimulants" including Ginseng, Damiana and Maca.
• Damiana root has long been claimed to have a stimulating. Effect on the libido and its use as anaphrodisiac has continued into modern times.
• Maca has been called Peru's natural Viagra. This legendary self-enhancing Maca has been passed
down since the Incas for strength, energy, and increased stamina.
• Ginseng is one of the most widely used herbal supplements in the world. It is promoted to stimulate the immune system, increase endurance and mood improvement."

The entertainment is visual....please look at the section at the link. It's on page 5 of 13.
Take special note of the two cuttings that have been taped in the area following the section. The clippings themselves are unreadable except for their headlines, so I guess they are only included FOR those headlines.

Now take a look at the same "Besado Tequila" section in the Disclosure Statement filed on Tuesday.
It's on Page 5 of 8.
The clippings have been re-positioned...taped so as to obscure the paragraphs quoted above.

They make the section that starts with....
"Tequila is North America's first distilled spirit and originated in Mexico. To be classified as tequila, the product must be made from no less than 51% Weber blue agave and it can only be produced in five regions of Mexico..."
....and ends with...
"This award-winning limited yearly production this premium tequila is infused with "Herbal Erotic Stimulants" including Ginseng, Damiana and Maca" and descriptions of those ACTUAL natural ingredients largely IMPOSSIBLE TO READ.

I'm reminded of two things that may have played a part in this blatant subterfuge. One is the appearance and subsequent rapid disappearance of two blogs in the Huffington post that, among other things, misrepresented the ingredients in the same way. The other is something that you posted, also on Tuesday. It's a securities law that strikes fear in the hearts of CEO's like this one every day of their lives. Or if it doesn't, it should:

§ 240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices.

It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, or of the mails or of any facility of any national securities exchange,

(a) To employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud,

(b) To make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, or

(c) To engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person,

in connection with the purchase or sale of any security.

Who does he think he's foolin'?