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05/31/17 11:59 AM

#414458 RE: HappyAlways #414455

the queen of delay has not made any "noticeable progress"

Her plan is to stall and run the clock out. She should be tarred and feathered, then thrown in jail.


05/31/17 12:03 PM

#414459 RE: HappyAlways #414455

ABBBBBBBBBBbsolutely I agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


05/31/17 12:53 PM

#414478 RE: HappyAlways #414455

"To rule against the government in this highly controversial case, Judge Sweeney needs to be extra careful."

This statement is counter-intuitive and historically inaccurate. Brown v. Board of Education was way more controversial than the GSE case which just deals with personal property, and yet, it was ruled on in less than 2 years. I can come up with MANY more examples of more controversial cases than this that have been ruled on much faster.

I would contend the opposite. The fact that the Executive Branch and Legislative Branch both agree that GSE shareholders are not major concerns, and the public doesn't seem to disagree very vocally, the Judicial Branch finds this case very non-controversial.

If it was controversial, we would have seen a ruling in DAYS rather than years to get it off their plate. Just look at the travel ban case...a ruling days after it was created. Do you really think judges want to hold onto controversial cases? They don't want grey hair. lol.

"We need to respect people who try their best to uphold justice."

"Justice" is biased when it is based on success.