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05/31/17 3:45 PM

#26341 RE: creston #26340

Here is an updated list of companies that had business dealings with Cyclone...

The following companies built their business model around a Cyclone engine.

Q2P (Cyclone spin off that abandoned trying to develop an engine after spending $6 million)
Phoenix Power Out of business
Advent Power Systems (Cyclone had to buy them)Out of business
Great Wall Alternative Power Systems Out of business
3R No info found on this company
G2E No info found on this company
Nextra Technologies No info found on this company
Revgine Out of business
Renovalia Out of business
Waste Heat Resources, Inc. (WHR)of Londonderry, New Hampshire. Out of business
TopLine Energy Systems, LLC,Out of business (Parent company TopLine Automotive Engineering INC. still makes aftermarket auto parts)
CleanCarbon Pty. Ltd., a clean technology commercialization and management company based in Australia Out of business
Their last news update from 2014 is laughable...HAHAHAHAHA
Steam Logic Inc. based in Mississauga, Canada Out of business

These companies had dealings with Cyclone but didn't solely rely on Cyclone's products which explains why they are still in business.

Precision-CNC Still operating a machine shop
B&W Constructors & Equipment, Inc., a Pennsylvania-based company
Raytheon No description needed
Combilift Manufactures fork lifts

The following company currently has dealings with Cyclone.

Schedule for the next two months

First part of May: IBES chief engineer to reassemble the prototype Mark 3, integrate it with the boiler/HX and prepare it for endurance testing. Testing will be done with load and a 10kW alternator has been purchased and will be integrated.
May and June: endurance testing. The system will be run 24/7 and the goal is to get at least 500 hours of operation without incidents on it. The system will be shut down and the engine inspected for wear and tear regularly: every 10 hours at the start and, at progressively longer periods, thereafter.
July: end of endurance testing

Cyclone has never been able to run an engine for 200hrs (which would get them several hundred thousand dollars) let alone one 24/7 for 500+ hrs.

The typical cycle of the past 10 years has shown us that Cyclone will release a PR stating they signed an agreement with "Insert Company Name" who has agreed to pay them "$$$" upfront and "$$$" due upon delivery of "pick a number" of engines that put out "make up a number" kW for "make up a number" of hours. The next PR will state that progress is going great and they expect to be in production in 6 months" There will be no related PR's for 8+ months. The next PR will state that "Insert company name" has agreed to pay "$$$" if they can just get an engine that will run "divide the original number of run hours by 4"...... Then PR silence until a new PR stating Cyclone has signed a new agreement with "Insert Company name" who has agreed to pay them "$$$" upfront and "$$$" due upon delivery of "pick a number" of engines that put out "make up a number" kW for "make up a number" of hours.

Rinse and repeat. Cyclone never publicly says the companies they had dealings with went out of business due to Cyclones inability to deliver working engines.
