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06/10/17 7:19 PM

#4938 RE: jason_luke #4934

Jason, you probably should not invest in WNDW. It's a big risk. Watch your money, and stay away unless you are ready to make a long odds gamble.

As far as their headquarters goes, I am thrilled they're not wasting money on a showplace, just for show.

I used to sell franchises out of a 100+ year old warehouse, where you had to drive through "bomb craters" to reach the front door.

We had 3 companies and more than 500 franchises.

The owners explained to me, ""would you rather have us in an "A-Class" building or be profitable""?

I don't care about where WNDW's offices are. I care about them not wasting money while they develop a revolutionary technology.

While they develop a revolutionary technology, I don't expect them to be profitable.

I expect to take a big RISK while hoping for a big payday.

No one should get involved in WNDW's unless they are willing, ready and able to lose everything.

Please stay away.