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05/29/17 10:12 AM

#298019 RE: biopharm #298014

biopharm, everything is possible and yet nothing of it could be happening.

Partnering, here PPHM with a partner for the Exosome based all-solid cancer liquid biopsy that is fast, cheap, simple , highly reliable and doesn't require centrifugal activities and hence can be sold in a kit, is a highly sensitive operation.

BOTH PARTIES, as well PPHM as the potential partners, have to walk a very fine line in order to get their stick out of the game. A potential partner, certainly up to a certain moment, doesn't know if he is alone or if others of the initial pool are still in play. That knowledge is privy to PPHM which as part of a strategy may or may not want to communicate it to such potential partner(s) and/or the public and is under NO obligation to do so.

Next PPHM and potential partners may have different views on exclusivity, geographic limitations, application field limitations (PPHM's test has a binary features CANCER/NO CANCER, BENIGN/NOT BENIGN and STAGE, PROGRESS and CANCER TYPE features). There are hundreds of configurations possible going from one single partner world-wide exclusivity for all applications up to multiple partners geographical limited for specific applications such as either screening, general diagnostic, treatment follow-up, etc or even specific cancers such as Ovarian, lung, liver, etc. While for the partner scale economy in marketing& sales efforts may weight more, for PPHM securing continuous revenue will be the focus IMO.

A partnership is also much more as "who bids the most". PPHM will want to make sure that its partners cannot, for strategical reason or just because there is another product on their shelf, limit PPHM's revenue by not doing the sales & marketing efforts needed.

And then, and only then, based on the HOW KNOWLEDGE parties will adapt a financial model to it including pre-payments, milestones, licensing and/or participation in the profits, etc. Milestones could be the addition of new solid cancers behind the table that is already in the patent by proof of concepts.


The ONLY things we are sure of are:

- PPHM owns the patents 100% unencumbered
- PPHM has a positive proof of concept in Ovarian (plus peer-reviewed paper)
- The patent mentions several other cancers
- PPHM announced that other proof of concepts would be with partner
- CEO King said: We will NOT GO IT ALONE but PARTNER this!
- All timing of PARTNERING TALKS have been subjected to a prototype Test Kit and related Proof of concept (which we have now)
- PPHM always placed the start of partnership talks in begin 2017

Given the peer reviewed paper was in the writing in Q4/2016 while only published in FEB 2017, PPHM must have known the results by then and could start contacting potential partners. A peer reviewed paper could in no case have been written WITHOUT the base material of the proof of concept which was available to PPHM via UTSW.

I think that partnership talks, depending on MANY factors can take minimal 6 month up to 2 years. That is an OPINION! So personally I do NOT expect any partnership news till End of JUNE. As of then partnership news could fall any day. Correlated with the RS appeal I think PPHM will make a TRIPLE case.

Namely that it is about to announce a partnership in H2 of 2017 and that would be a way/plan of bringing the stock above 1$. The commision will want MORE then just a STATEMENT on this.

That the PPHM common stock is undervalued (PPHMP could even be a prove of that as it stands for the SAME company yet is above 2$ per equivalent common PPHM because PPHMP cannot be manipulated as PPHM can due to liquidity). Of course Avid value, new HALO/ROCHE contract, etc may play too as well as the raising value of the IP due to Scientific recognition of PS-Targeting.

That PPHM will reach profitability and that, lifting investments in Avid II+III) PPHM can show how since JUNE 2016, when sustained profitability in 24 months was announced, it has consistently be moving in the correct direction and re-confirmed every quarterly since. Profitability would also bring the PPS above 1* as PPHM can start to write down profits against about 0.5 BILLION$ tax advantages which will increase its cash position tremendously fast compared to normal operations when taxes are paid.