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05/29/17 12:16 PM

#69197 RE: north40000 #69189

Did you look for any clinical or pre-clinical trials occurring elsewhere in the world besides U.S.?

Yes. Can you find a PMCB "clinical" trial sanctioned by the FDA, or the EU equivalent or EMA? There are none.

I've been waiting for the term "pre-clinical" in this thread. There were a couple of ad hoc studies conducted in Germany. As pointed out previously it lacked a control arm of Metronomic (or low dose) ifosfamide without CIAB. The unanswered question: Did the presence of CIAB make any difference? Or was the results due to Metronomic ifosfamide treatment alone? What is known is Metronomic chemo with alkylating agents is anti-angiogenic, plus other immune modulating effects. I invite the reader again to perform a search of the ClinicalTrials database with the phrase "pancreatic cancer metronomic". You'll find numerous trials combining Metronomic Cytoxin with monoclonal Abs, other chemo drugs, and approaches.

There's nothing to suggest in the German studies that the effect seen wasn't due to Metronomic Chemo using Ifosfamide, and had nothing to do with CIAB. Maybe that's why Austrianova never obtained the funding, and interest of a large Pharma partner. Research has gone on from Metronomic Chemo using just one drug.