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05/27/17 10:36 AM

#25122 RE: Captart7 #25121

I don't think he's right on the number of shares. Worlds owns 5,936,115 shares of mrmd per mrmd's last 10k. According to worlds last 10k, this was 9.5% interest. Mrmd must have issued more shares since then if the share count doesn't come out to patent play's number.
Unless worlds owns more shares due to the restructuring from Worlds online inc to marimed, I think we have to go by the 10k's.
So, my calculation to the value of the holding is 5,936,115 * .82 = $4,867,614.
I believe we would have seen an 8k, form 4, or whatever if Worlds has disposed or added to its position in mrmd. But I could also see wddd disposing of shares without filing anything in a timely manner. Not sure if they are required to do so.